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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
I have the chance to buy a used 10d. ot sure about the price yet, so:

a) What would be a good price for it?
b) Should I take the chance? It would be my first dslr



macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
Do you know the seller? Don't rush to buy. If it's too good to be true IT IS!

Caveat emptor!

I know and trust the seller. I'm at the Canadian University Press national conference, which lasts until Monday, hence the rush.

He quoted $675 CDN body, grip and batteries
$575 CDN body only


macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2005
That's a little high, in my opinion. But it all depends on how many frames the camera shot and the condition of the body.

I'd feel better about paying $400-425US for a used 10D, considering you can buy a new 20D for less than $900US.

I know and trust the seller. I'm at the Canadian University Press national conference, which lasts until Monday, hence the rush.

He quoted $675 CDN body, grip and batteries
$575 CDN body only


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
I have the chance to buy a used 10d. ot sure about the price yet, so:

a) What would be a good price for it?
b) Should I take the chance? It would be my first dslr


I think there are better models out there for about the same amount of money. A used XTi or 20D might be better. It all depends on what you want to do with the photos.

If you want to make prints larger than 5x7 - get a camera with a little higher MP count. (This isn't the only component of resolution but it helps.)


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I have the chance to buy a used 10d. ot sure about the price yet, so:

a) What would be a good price for it?
b) Should I take the chance? It would be my first dslr


The going price seems to be US$500 for a good one from t reputable dealer. I'd pay less for a private party sale unless he can offer a 30 day warranty like a dealer can. But most PP sales are "as is".

Also do you really want to get into the Canon system? Nothing wrong with Canon but don't decide on a brand simply because a 10D is the first thing you see. You will be married to the Canon brand and getting un-married is neither cheap nor fun. Nikon D100 is about the same camera and available for about the same price. A newer consumer camera like the 350D or D50 has some advantages over an older used camera.

I'd say if you can get this for about US$450 and (big and) you really want a Canon 10d (and are not just buying it because it seems like a bargain) then go for it.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I wouldn't.

Personally, if you're paying $575 Canadian, that 10D had better be in immaculate condition, with very few photos taken with it. If you're going to pay as much as what he's charging (ie: as much as a trusted retailer does), it should be in even better condition, because retailers generally do charge more, not personal sales like this. I don't know how you can find out the number of photos the camera has taken, but I'd surely want to know before I buy it.

I'd rather buy a new Canon 350D if you're only considering Canon, or the cheaper Nikon D50 if I was going to buy the body only.


macrumors regular
Dec 20, 2006
The 10D was a very good DSLR, but when it is 2nd hand and has gotten a lot of photos taken with it already you can be looking at a $250 (or does that cost more?) replacement of the shutter.

You do not NEED the vertical grip either, it adds weight and bulk... it is something you have to find out for yourself if that is wanted or not.

I would not consider a 10D because the 20D is a better camera all in all, and the price of it new is now very low. Also an XTi/400D is a better camera than the 10D now, just smaller and lighter (which I like, less to take along and I do take my camera along all the time).

So unless it is an amazing bargain (and it isn't) I would look first at what camera I would want, and then find where I would want to buy it from. You can of course import a 20D or XTi from the USA if that is cheaper, you may have no warranty that way but that 10D has no warranty either.


macrumors regular
Dec 20, 2006
Why a 10D?

Even a rebel 300 would be a much better camera (well body wise it is not that rugged though).

How on earth is a rebel 300 a better camera?? The 10D is a very good camera, it is just that it is a bit dated now. And a 300D is not in any respect a better camera.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
No it does not. Both are 6mp. The 10D is better in every other respect.

There's one respect in which the 300D wins out - in a big way - over the 10D. It has an EF-S mount. The 10D only has an EF mount, despite being a 1.6 crop body.

So you can put lenses like the EF-S 10-22mm, EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8, and EF-S 17-85mm on the 300D. You can't on the 10D without modifying the lens (or possibly the body), which opens up a massive can of worms.

If I were given free choice between the two, I'd probably go the 300D on that basis alone (not that it's an issue for me - I *heart* my 20D.)
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