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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 14, 2006
Washington, DC
I will be transitioning from my Sigma SD9 system to a Canon setup real soon now, and I am looking at Canon bodies.
So, should I go for the 30D (it being new, with latest firmware, and spot metering) or should I save almost $300 and get the 20D?
Did anyone here have a chance to use both cameras? Any suggestions?
LCD size is not very important for me because I rarely review pictures on the camera itself. I am mainly concerned with questions of image quality (is it really the same?), reliability (I think I have heard bad things about 20's shutter?), ergonomics, and future resale value.


macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2003
I had the 20d and switched to the 30d right when it came out. I noticed that the 30d is a little heavier but has a smoother shutter to it. The larger LCD is nice to a certain extent.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
valiar said:
I will be transitioning from my Sigma SD9 system to a Canon setup real soon now, and I am looking at Canon bodies.
So, should I go for the 30D (it being new, with latest firmware, and spot metering) or should I save almost $300 and get the 20D?
Did anyone here have a chance to use both cameras? Any suggestions?
LCD size is not very important for me because I rarely review pictures on the camera itself. I am mainly concerned with questions of image quality (is it really the same?), reliability (I think I have heard bad things about 20's shutter?), ergonomics, and future resale value.

I think the image quality is identical.

Forget about resale value. I doubt a 20D or 30D DSLR body will be worth much after the replacement for the 350D comes out. When the entry level body is 10MP and sells for $600 it wil be hard to sell a 30D for $600. and you can bet that in 5 years canon will have a 10MP $600 body available. Buy the camera you need now and figure iit has a five year life before you will want to upgrade.

If you are a profestional and can't make the price of a 30D in a month how do you pay the rent or eat? If you are an amature photographer figure the 30D is buying good entertainment at a price of only a buck a day. (price divided by years of life) Go get the one you want, If you are a "snap shooter" then thr 20D is gross overkill. Get the 350D


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2005
Get a 20D and save the extra cash for lens. But yeah as said above, if you are a snap shooter... just get an entry level DSLR.


macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas
valiar said:
I will be transitioning from my Sigma SD9 system to a Canon setup real soon now, and I am looking at Canon bodies.
So, should I go for the 30D (it being new, with latest firmware, and spot metering) or should I save almost $300 and get the 20D?
Did anyone here have a chance to use both cameras? Any suggestions?
LCD size is not very important for me because I rarely review pictures on the camera itself. I am mainly concerned with questions of image quality (is it really the same?), reliability (I think I have heard bad things about 20's shutter?), ergonomics, and future resale value.

I have taken about 20,000 with the 20D and do not know what shutter problems there are, certainly not with mine. Closing in on 10,000 with the 5D and no problems there either.

I plan to keep a crop (for long work) and a FF for wide, normal, portrait type pictures. And I like having a backup. I (almost) never go anywhere without a camera. I would expect that the next crop upgrade I may bite and go for it, features being right. Maybe then convert the 20D to IR, or give it to one of my brothers or sisters.

Using the 5D with the larger LCD and the spot metering, I would say go for the 30D if you have the extra $300. It really is nice, you would be surprised. And the spot metering is invaluable in isolating subject in close-ups. If I didn't already have a IR Rebel, I would upgrade to the 30D and convert the 20D.

I really don't know why so many think that a "snap shot" shooter must start with a rebel, or rebel xt, or a D50 or D70. If it takes off for you, (and it likely will), you will want a FF in a couple years, plan on keeping the crop as backup and longer work. If it fizzles out (which I doubt), you will get more back for the 30D, than the 20D on the used market, probably at least equal to the $300 extra you spent. If you can afford it, go for it.

Then, when you have time, go read the 8000 threads on what lenses to buy, but please don't post another one on that! : )

My advice on that is the same, buy the best you can afford, you will keep good lenses way longer than the cameras. (And for that reason someone will say buy the cheap camera and invest the money in good glass first, .... and on it goes.) Good luck.


macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2003
ChrisA said:
I think the image quality is identical.

Forget about resale value. I doubt a 20D or 30D DSLR body will be worth much after the replacement for the 350D comes out. When the entry level body is 10MP and sells for $600 it wil be hard to sell a 30D for $600. and you can bet that in 5 years canon will have a 10MP $600 body available. Buy the camera you need now and figure iit has a five year life before you will want to upgrade.

If you are a profestional and can't make the price of a 30D in a month how do you pay the rent or eat? If you are an amature photographer figure the 30D is buying good entertainment at a price of only a buck a day. (price divided by years of life) Go get the one you want, If you are a "snap shooter" then thr 20D is gross overkill. Get the 350D

5 year life before an upgrade is pushing it hard i think. I would say about 3 maybe 4 if you push it...Thats going to prolly be in 5+ years that a 10 mp camera would be considered a beginner camera. I agree if he is a snap shooter, he shouldnt be getting the 30d but if he is just a snap shooter than one might say the 350d is overkill. I bought a 20d and when I found out about the 30d I sold the 20d body and got $950 for it, and bought the 30d for $1300. A person can get good resale value on digital equiptment if they know when the right time to sell the item is...
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