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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 14, 2006
Does anyone own this gear?
I got mine about a year ago and have had some great shots with the 18mm-55mm lens but I find I never use the 300mm lens.
I do not wish to buy an expensive lens so I want get the most out of these two.
I mainly take family shots, portraits and some macro stuff.
Is the 300mm just for landscapes and limited telephoto or is it more functional than that?
Although I look like a mega newbie I am familiar with DOF, F-stop, ISO, aperture and shutter speed so feel free to get technical!!


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I have the Twin Lens kit for the 400D which I think is pretty much the same as the 350D and I don't know how you could really use the telephoto lens for anything but for photo's where you need a large zoom. Anything else you can pretty much do with the kit lens.

Then again, if you really wanted you could use the 300mm for everything you do, although sometimes you would just be making taking the photo's hard for yourself.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
The 300 mm is NOT for landscapes. Where did you get that idea?

To tell you the truth, I have never felt the need for a telephoto (ie: long) lens that can go up to 300 mm......not until recently. They're useful if you want to take photos of people without them knowing. For that reason, I want one. :) It doesn't have to be a "fast", expensive telephoto zoom lens (ie: a 70-200 f/2.8) can I walk around and take discrete photos of people if I'm carrying a massive lens around? The lens that you have would be a good size.


macrumors member
Jul 20, 2006
Are you saying that you do not want this lens? I believe that all canon lens are well made and not to be shunned away. If you truley believe that you will not use it I might be interested. Best of luck



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 14, 2006
Thanks guys/girls,
To tell the truth I got the camera and got right into reading all the dig.photg. websites and even read a couple of text books on the subject and then found I didnt have time to put it all into practice and now (a year on) lots of the info has fallen out!
Thats why I sought advice on a basic guide to the uses of the two lenses.
Thanks again for the replies.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
No, but a 300 mm lens isn't a lens "that's just for landscapes" like the OP said. It's not even for landscapes, like you said. It can be used for many things. Nobody is stopping him from shooting landscapes at 300 mm. We can see that in the links Miloblithe just posted, but if someone asked me, "So, is this the lens I should grab for landscapes?", I would say no....not unless your situation needs it. In some instances, it may be the best and only choice you have. However, wider lenses are the usual recommendation for landscapes. If the 70-300 mm lens was for landscapes, he'd miss out on a lot of landscape shots.
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