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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2003
Boston, MA
What I'm hearing so far:

1D MkII replacement will have a stop of noise advantage, 10 MP, 10 FPS, better AF...

1DsMkII replacement will have a new lens mount? Medium format sensor?

30D replacement will have lower noise, more MP, better dynamic range...

5D replacement - I've heard nothing except a couple rumors of a lower priced full frame option

Lenses: 400mm f5.6 IS, 24-70L IS, and 100-400/4L IS are a few I've heard about. I suppose they'll need some lenses for the new mount/medium format.

Any other rumors of note?


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
What I'm hearing so far:

1D MkII replacement will have a stop of noise advantage, 10 MP, 10 FPS, better AF...

1DsMkII replacement will have a new lens mount? Medium format sensor?

I heard this as being a modification to the EF mount - both forwards and backwards compatible - to allow for improvements in AF speed, necessary (so I understand) for the 10 FPS shooting speed.

I've also heard that Canon might drop the 1.3 crop bodies, and instead introduce a crop mode in the 1Ds series: it would black out the appropriate part of the viewfinder, and would reduce the size of the RAW and/or JPEG images shot to boot.

Lenses: 400mm f5.6 IS, 24-70L IS, and 100-400/4L IS are a few I've heard about. I suppose they'll need some lenses for the new mount/medium format.

The 24-70 f/2.8L IS is an obvious hole in the Canon lineup. It would not surprise me to find out that they're working on filling this. Meanwhile, though, if you don't need the extra stop, there's always the 24-105 f/4L IS (and that has a strong possibility of being my next lens after the EF-S 10-22).

100-400 f/4L IS would be an absolute beast of a lens. Considering that the 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS weighs around 1.3 kg, I would expect any such lens to be at least 2 kg, and probably more than 3. This would put it into the realm of "always mount on a tripod", especially given the length of the lens. I'm not sure that Canon would want that. More likely would be a direct competitor to Nikon's 200-400mm f/4 VR (ie: a Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS.)

More likely, I suspect, would be for Canon to improve their lineup at the wide angle end. Maybe an update to the 14mm prime, or possibly an EF-S fisheye (which is probably unlikely - it would certainly remove one of the reasons for me to move to a full frame body down the road.)


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I've also heard that Canon might drop the 1.3 crop bodies, and instead introduce a crop mode in the 1Ds series:

Drop ALL 1.3 crop bodies? Even the Rebel? Could they continue to compete with Nikon on price? At the low end price matters a lot
I can't see Canon giving up on the entry level DSLR market like that.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Drop ALL 1.3 crop bodies? Even the Rebel? Could they continue to compete with Nikon on price? At the low end price matters a lot
I can't see Canon giving up on the entry level DSLR market like that.

maybe, maybe not, but it'd make them like more of an exclusively pro brand. in a few years of selling only full frame and good marketing, their image would be up there with leica and maybe hasselblad if they introduced some überly expensive 40MP digital medium formats and got into seperate backs. not likely though;)


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2005
Drop ALL 1.3 crop bodies? Even the Rebel? Could they continue to compete with Nikon on price? At the low end price matters a lot
I can't see Canon giving up on the entry level DSLR market like that.

Rebel is a 1.6 crop.

Only the 1DMarkII (N) is a 1.3 crop.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Soooo, no comments on the new Canon 1D Mark III? I don't know what to say. It looks good enough to likely make Nikon quiver with fear. :p

A truly awesome looking piece of kit. Way, way outside my price range (and ability) but it's nice to see the upper boundaries being pushed!


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
The EOS-1D Mark III is incredible. I'm very impressed. Unfortunately, I can't afford it, and the fact that it was announced and the EOS-40d wasn't means I have to wait longer before I can get a new camera.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2003
Montréal (Canada)
Sorry but it was obvious that there wouldnt be any replacement in the 5D and 30D range. These just have been introduced.

My deception is that there isnt any change with the n model. It would have been great to get rid of the 1.3 crop and replace it with a weathersealed full frame at a resonable (?!?). Which is exactly what I need...

I guess I will have to upgrade to a 5D now.

thinking about a 400 5.6L IS is just wishfull thinking. It wont happen. That lens is made to be light and fast and its made to shoot (fast) moving subjects.

It is nice that they upgrade the 16-35. Everyone I talked to who had it complained about its IQ when using fullframe bodies.

Finally, anyone knows if there is a price drop on existing models? like the 5D?


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
Sorry but it was obvious that there wouldnt be any replacement in the 5D and 30D range. These just have been introduced.

Either you don't realize when these cameras were introduced, or you have no idea how quickly technology changes. The EOS-30D was announced in early Feb 2006, and the EOS-5D was announced in late August, 2005... Making both cameras more than a year old.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
A truly awesome looking piece of kit. Way, way outside my price range (and ability) but it's nice to see the upper boundaries being pushed!

Canon USA has a page on the new Eos III body. It is incredible. Available in the spring.


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2005
Daegu, South Korea
I don't drool at all over the Mk III. So bulky and expevsive; only a pro shooting sports needs 10 fps.
What I would drool over is something with NO noise at 3200 iso and a reeeeeeeaaaaaly wide dynamic range.


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
A new 16-35? Does this mean the old 16-35 will drop significantly in price soon? If so, I guess I'm screwed, since I JUST bought a used 17-40L. :\

That 1D is amazing. I'd love to own one of those.
But I was hoping for a new 5D or 3D or whatever, a low(er) cost FF dSLR. I plan to upgrade within this year, and I don't want to be left behind again like when I bought my 350D right before the 400D was announced. :(

Anyone have any ideas about if they'll revamp the 5D soon?


macrumors 68020
Jan 9, 2002
Sorry but it was obvious that there wouldnt be any replacement in the 5D and 30D range. These just have been introduced.

My deception is that there isnt any change with the n model. It would have been great to get rid of the 1.3 crop and replace it with a weathersealed full frame at a resonable (?!?). Which is exactly what I need...

You might want to see if the release a 1Ds. This 1D is geared more towards sports photographers, with the ultra-high frame rate, and 1.3x crop. Not sure about a timeframe, though.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
You might want to see if the release a 1Ds. This 1D is geared more towards sports photographers, with the ultra-high frame rate, and 1.3x crop. Not sure about a timeframe, though.

I'm not sure the $7000-8000 is reasonable :p PMA is still near...though I don't see how spreading out releases makes sense. The 1Ds needed an update more than the 1D.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
My deception is that there isnt any change with the n model. It would have been great to get rid of the 1.3 crop and replace it with a weathersealed full frame at a resonable (?!?). Which is exactly what I need...

I guess I will have to upgrade to a 5D now.

What are you talking about? If they used a FF sensor they wouldn't be able to achieve such high fps. Also, it does give a little extra bit of reach with lenses, so it may be beneficial for some.

And if you're going to upgrade to a 5D because this new model has a 1.3 crop sensor rather than FF, then you never needed this camera to begin with. The 5D is for a different market entirely.


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
What are you talking about? If they used a FF sensor they wouldn't be able to achieve such high fps. Also, it does give a little extra bit of reach with lenses, so it may be beneficial for some.
There is no correlation between sensor size and frames per second. There is, however, a direct correlation between sensor resolution (number of pixels) and frames per second. The more pixels there are, regardless of the size of the sensor, the more processing power is required to process the extra information. In this case Canon has incorporated not one, but two Digic III image processors that work in parallel. It's reasonable to assume they have also improved the sensor's design to get data out of the sensor more quickly.

In the near future it's not unreasonable to expect around 10FPS even from a 16MP FF sensor.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
What are you talking about? If they used a FF sensor they wouldn't be able to achieve such high fps.

That depends on the sensor (and not anything else, really.) If the sensor is capable of pushing out the pixels at that rate, it's a simple matter of engineering. Even if the data rate required is more than a single memory card can handle (and remember that Sandisk has released the Extreme IV series, which can do 40 MB/s, according to the marketing literature), Canon could put in two or three CF slots, and interleave them for the speed required.

And if you're going to upgrade to a 5D because this new model has a 1.3 crop sensor rather than FF, then you never needed this camera to begin with. The 5D is for a different market entirely.

Indeed. The 1D series is, and always has been, primarily a sports photographer's camera. The frame rate, and the 1.3 crop factor, combine to make it a solid investment for that purpose, especially coupled with appropriately chosen L series glass (300mm f/2.8, 400mm f/2.8, 500mm f/4, 600mm f/4 are the main candidates, arguably more the first two than the last two.) Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy it - the things I want to do mean that 1.3 crop is a drawback rather than an advantage; I'm better off with either an EF-S camera, or a full frame body. But that doesn't mean that I'm down on it; it's a fantastic body, and I'm hoping Canon brings the technology in it (especially the 14 bits per channel dynamic range) to the lower end - possibly the 40D (or whatever the 30D's successor is named.)


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Soooo, no comments on the new Canon 1D Mark III? I don't know what to say. It looks good enough to likely make Nikon quiver with fear. :p

Ignoring the potential fanroo stuff, why would it make Nikon quake? D2HS shooters aren't likely to flock in droves at this point, since a rumored D3H is likely not too far away.

It looks like an excellent camera for sports shooters, but unless Nikon doesn't continue to improve their high-ISO characteristics (and so far they've been doing that quite well) then I don't see it as particularly revolutionary. The deep buffer's certainly attractive for some things, but not that germane to most sports shooters- more to the spray-and-pray folks, and I doubt that 2FPS is going to make anyone switch systems overnight. I do hope that 14-bit systems start to become a trend though, and live-view looks interesting. This camera is a great camera for news and sports photographers, but Canon owns the media market already.

This camera isn't aimed at making Nikon quake, it's aimed at continuing to serve the media industry and ensure that segment doesn't have any reason to jump ship. With that, I can't imagine it'll be anything but an unabashed success.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
I can't wait to get my hands on one of these. I use an original MK I digital for my personal work. I use a DH2 at the office. I would prefer to dump the Nikon gear and this camera is a great example of why. The 1.3 magnification is negligible for the benefits. The great iso range, the shadow noise reduction and the even better autofocus system make for a great upgrade. As long as Nikon sticks with te 1.5x and lower iso range they will lag behind. Didn't everyone see the stats about a week ago? Canon is ruling the market at the moment. There was an ad in a recent magazine, Time I think pointing out that 95 percent of all images shot at the super bowl (tv and still) were Canon. This is a great model that bridges the gap between the needs of a news shooter with someone who needs more of a full frame rig. That's me to a tee. I shoot news for all types of print publication and web use. Sometimes the photos show up in a newsprint publications sometimes they are full bleed magazine covers. So I have to fractal what I shoot now. This camera would fill both needs nicely.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2003
Montréal (Canada)
My bad, I should have read the press release before posting...

When you are upgrading from a Rebel XT, you have to either jump to 5D or go to the D1 if you want a real upgrade in IQ. I shoot mostly wildlife and even a fullframe sensor is better than a 1.6 crop. You lose a lot of reach but the gain in IQ, especialy in low light (most good animals shot are in low light anyways), is more important. And it has more pixel so you can always numericaly zoom in.

this camera is excellent value and will probably have me wait for it unless I get a great deal on a used 5D...
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