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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 10, 2007
Murder Capitol DC
I am interested in buying the Canon G9 for family photos, around the house weekend trips etc.

Please share your thoughts if you own the G9 and also any photos taken with your G9.

Thanks in advance.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 28, 2006
The G9 is Wonderful.

I recently got this digicam from Amazon as a back up to my Canon EOS 5D for situations when I couldn't take it.

Its a great little camera and you shouldn't compare it to a DSLR, but as P&S it works well. RAW capability, 6x optical zoom, DSLR type controls, live histogram and manual focus make it wonderful.


macrumors 68020
Jan 9, 2002
Since it's essentially a G7 with a higher density sensor and RAW, most things about the G7 will be true with the G9.

I have a G7, and it works great for what I use it for (candid photos and hobby photography). I'd say it definitely packs a punch for its size. Some disadvantages I've seen, however, are noise at mid and high ISOs (400 and above), and holding the camera with one hand.

Check out sites like for more detailed reviews.
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