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macrumors G5
Original poster
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
my brother's 3 year old canon powershot A70 was fine one day, and then the next day, all of the pictures on both the camera's LCD and the computer were very blurry.

Nothing seems to be misaligned or anything like that, and nothing seemed to happen in the meantime to cause it. What would cause a camera to just "go" like this?



macrumors G5
Original poster
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
if anyone knows the answer to this I'd really appreciate some help. It's kind of a big problem for my brother (who uses this camera to run his ebay side business).

I'm guessing it's not the memory card because it shows up as blurry on the camera LCD... does this sound like a problem with the lens?


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
It does kind of sound like a mechanical problem. The lens could have become dislodged or the linkage could be screwed up. Can you hear the normal whirring when you touch the shutter release? It may be tough to tell what's happening by ear this way because the iris may move too.

[ edit: just to satisfy any morbid curiosity, here is a disassembly pictorial. Repair may or may not be worth the cost or trouble. ]
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