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macrumors 6502a
Original poster

I've finally decided that this digital thing isn't a fad...:rolleyes:
So I'm looking for a decent digital. I coming from a Canon Elan 7A, my primary lense is a Tamron 75 - 300mm zoom. I keep thinking about the digital rebel, but I don't have the funds for it yet. Well and truth be told, my father has a 20D and I REALLY like that. I know I can't get that yet. I've used the Rebel and it really doesn't compare to the 20D, especially in low light or for shooting sports...

Has anyone here used the S2? I've read the reviews on the net at the usual sites, but I want real people. Mac people...

I shoot a lot of nature photography, wildlife. Usually I use a good monopod or tripod. I shoot sports quite a bit as well. I want something that will be easy to carry around and take pretty good pictures. I'm coming from a basic HP 3.2 PS - $80 @ Samsclub...

What should I know? What do you like? What don't you like? I've read that many people HATE the lense cap.

Anyhow, thanks for the help!



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
The photos are noisy at ISO 400, and that's as high as it goes. It's a nice camera, but maybe not the best for sports. Sports is an area where you really do need to spend some money if you're going digital, so if you have a film camera + lens that produces photos you're happy with, the Powershot S2 may not be up to par with the film.

Good luck if you're shooting in low-light conditions.

Oh, and I hate the lens cap as well, but I guess it sort of makes sense because the lense is quite large for this type of camera. I don't think it's the best method, though.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
I have the Sony DSC-H1, and I love it. It's very comparable to the S2 in quality and features. I found that I didn't like how the S2 felt in my hand, it felt awkward and cheap, whereas the Sony felt much more solid. That's a personable opinion though, they're both great cameras (though the Sony lens cap is sturdier :D )

But, if you really need a camera for good fast motion, get a DSLR instead.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sony vs. Canon...

Thanks for the advice about Sony... However, I've sworn off Sony, basically for life.:D First of all, my family, my work and I had an awful run of luck with Sony from laptops to digital camera's (the one that burned to mini-disk - Bad News!) to stereo's to TV's to disk players... Just very poor quality and short lived. I did look at the Sony you recommended. I held it, shot a few shots with it; and as you mentioned about the Canon, I didn't like the feel. I'm also not a fan of the Memory stick...

The other camera I'm somewhat considering is the Panasonic, which has gotten wonderful reviews.

Anyhow thanks!



macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2004
I love the S2 to death and use it almost every day. It is the best tool I have currently to capture everything I baby's first steps on of my house being for eBay...

Plus, my wife figured out how to use it a little and can finally take pictures of ME!

Every photo/video on my family website was shot using the S2 (minus the 2004 section).

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
I have sold a ton of the S1IS and S2IS, and none of my customers have a complaint. I might suggest waiting for the new S3IS; currently about a $100 more than the S2IS. The new S3IS will go to ISO 800. It should do better in the noise department.

As to noise. I did a test shot with the A700 at ISO 800, and did 4x6 and 8x10 prints. Customers that I showed these prints to felt that they were better than what they had gotten with ISO 800 film.

For those that want the smoothest images, they need to go to larger sensors. If small size, and lower cost are a concern - one can try Noise Ninja or Neat Image noise reduction programs.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Noise Ninja...

Thanks for the advice on Noise Ninja. I ordered a copy today. I've found the S2 for about $320 at Best Buy. $180.00 is enough to push me to the 5mg, S2 over the 6mg S3. I use a monopod quite often for my nature/sport shots, will that help with the noise?

Again, thanks for the help


Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
coachingguy said:
Thanks for the advice on Noise Ninja. I ordered a copy today. I've found the S2 for about $320 at Best Buy. $180.00 is enough to push me to the 5mg, S2 over the 6mg S3.

Nice deal, I am sure you'll be happy with it.

I use a monopod quite often for my nature/sport shots, will that help with the noise?

Yes, becuase it will allow a slower shutter speed that lower ISO's will require.

Glad to be of help.
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