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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 3, 2005
Buffalo, NY
Best Buy


I'm eyeing that camera after seeing it in the December issue of MacAddict (soon to be Mac|Life) when they rated it best quality for a point and shoot camera.

I had a few questions before I (possibly) go out and purchase one:

1. What kind of image quality can I expect?
2. Does this compare to a dSLR?
3. Is it worth the price?
4. Any recommendations for this or other cameras (under $450).


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 3, 2005
Buffalo, NY
Well I went and got it and a 1GB high speed SD card, first pic I took with it:


I love this thing so far!

The Mad Kiwi

macrumors 6502
Mar 15, 2006
In Hell
Enjoy your new camera, they are a pretty good camera.

I love mine, except for the noise, and the crappy flash. But all p&s have those problems. Noise ninja does a good enough job of cleaning up the noise anyway.


macrumors regular
Oct 31, 2003
Enjoy your new camera, they are a pretty good camera.

I love mine, except for the noise, and the crappy flash. But all p&s have those problems. Noise ninja does a good enough job of cleaning up the noise anyway.

The Mad Kiwi, I'm curious as to what kind of 'noise' are you referring to? The S3 has an ultrasonic lens and image noise below at ISO 200 and below is generally considered excellent for a compact (non-dslr) 6MP camera. I do agree that most P&S have weak flashes. :)

amacgenius, I think you made a great choice. My wife and I love our S2. :)


macrumors member
Sep 14, 2006
Just ordered one!

The Mad Kiwi, I'm curious as to what kind of 'noise' are you referring to? The S3 has an ultrasonic lens and image noise below at ISO 200 and below is generally considered excellent for a compact (non-dslr) 6MP camera. I do agree that most P&S have weak flashes. :)

amacgenius, I think you made a great choice. My wife and I love our S2. :)

I just ordered mine form Also bought the transcend 2gb x150 sd card.


macrumors 68020
Jan 9, 2002
The S3 IS is probably a better point and shoot than the G7.

Asides form the ~$300 price difference, noise is not as much as an issue with the S3, you get a mega 12x optical zoom, a flip out screen, and 60fps movies. I was surprised as to how fast the S3 zooms from the wide end to 12x.

The G7, with a 10mp sensor crammed into the same size as all other point and shot sensors, can give you noise issues if you don't know what you're doing. You also have to work with it a lot more to get great pictures with the G7. It's kind of like the dSLR effect, where people buy the expensive cameras, but don't learn how to use them, so their pictures are worse off than with a cheaper point and shoot.
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