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macrumors G3
Original poster
May 25, 2004
anyone have either of these camers. I'm thinking of getting one, I like the larger screen but having no viewfinder.... how does that work out. I know their basicly the same camera except for the larger screen/viewfinder.
Also how is the indoor/lowlight use on it? Also hows the qualiy of the pics?


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
I've had an SD400 and an SD450 - similar to the SD600 series cameras and the viewfinder is pretty much useless. If you're trying to conserve battery life it can come in handy, but with the lack of battery life indicator until you're almost out of juice it's kind of a moot point.

If I were in the market for a new P&S, I'd go for the SD630. The IS feature on the SD700 is great, too, on these small P&Ses, especially in low-light/indoor scenarios.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I'd get the one with the viewfinder. Does having a slightly larger screen really help you that much?

If I want to take a photo in low light, I use the viewfinder every time. Not only is it impossible to frame a scene under low light using the LCD, but you shake the camera more if you don't have the camera pressed against your face.

And if that LCD ever breaks or isn't working perfectly because of something you do, then it's essentially unusable without the viewfinder. I think I'd just get a new one anyway, but at least it's still an option.

Oh, I also use it to save battery life. Yes, Canons have sucky battery life indicators (it's useless), but even before I get a warning, I have a good idea of how much juice I have remaining. If I know I want to take a lot more photos, I turn off the LCD and the screen preview that appears after I take each photo.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
That's interesting, Abstract. I find that it's quite hard to frame a shot properly looking through the viewfinder - the angle always seems to be a bit off and it's not a full view of the shot (see DP Review assessment).

Have they improved or is my face just getting in the way? ;)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
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Rower_CPU said:
That's interesting, Abstract. I find that it's quite hard to frame a shot properly looking through the viewfinder - the angle always seems to be a bit off and it's not a full view of the shot (see DP Review assessment).

Have they improved or is my face just getting in the way? ;)

No, they haven't improved it, but if you're taking low light shots, it's the best way. Your eyes are better at discerning differences at night than an LCD. In the dark, things look completely black on an LCD. So while the viewfinder is not very accurate, at least you can take the photograph. :eek:

My last experience using the viewfinder was in the Gold Coast 4 weeks ago. I took a few photos during the last 20 minutes of sunset, and most of them came out a bit blurred. I started to take photos while looking through the viewfinder (it was still bright enough to use the LCD, but anyway...). At that point, it was only getting darker; however, I got sharper photos, and ended up keeping only the photos I got while looking through the LCD (which were taken in lower light!) and deleted most of the shots taken through use of the LCD.

Here are 2 photos I got, both taken at 1 second exposure, taken handheld with no image stabalization, no noise reduction or editing, set at ISO 400, using a Canon SD400. :) The 2nd photo was taken under complete darkness, but I still got a decent photo. My friend only got blurry photos when she took photos using her Olympus, which had no viewfinder.


  • Evening at Surfer's Paradise 10.JPG
    Evening at Surfer's Paradise 10.JPG
    97.2 KB · Views: 193
  • Evening at Surfer's Paradise 14.JPG
    Evening at Surfer's Paradise 14.JPG
    134 KB · Views: 234


macrumors G3
Original poster
May 25, 2004
so i guess its a matter of opinion. Personally i like the look of the SD630 better, but the viewfinder thing has me worried. I plan on using it for college stuff, in the dorms and bars which are sometimes low light. Also you think the larger screen will kill the battery?


macrumors 68030
Mar 31, 2004
A geographical oddity
Rower_CPU said:
Have they improved or is my face just getting in the way? ;)
For me, after a little while, I got used to it. Except for anything heavily affected by the parallax, I actually prefer using the viewfinder now.

I don't think the LCD will kill the battery that much faster on the 630 vs. the 600, but it will make a little difference. But, in the end there isn't much of a difference, so if you prefer the 630 - it's better to get a camera that you like...


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Yeah, just get the one that you like. I'm just being anal because I have a DSLR. While I understand that my point and shoot will have it's limitations, I want to limit the number of weak points down to a minimum, which means being able to keep my camera still in the dark, or to frame a shot in the dark (although the viewfinder won't be accurate). Having a p&s with or without a viewfinder is just like comparing a camera that has a lot of limitations, and another camera with even more than that. :eek: I want convenience, but even when using my SD300, I still feel like a very amateur photographer who might need to take any sort of photo at any time.

But hey, most people I know now have a camera without the viewfinder, and they're perfectly content. :) Sorry if I made you worried.


macrumors G3
Original poster
May 25, 2004
Well i got a new camera today but didn't end up buying what i thought i would have bought. (Does that make sence) I got a nikon coolpix S5. Its a small P&S. I haven't really played with it yet. Its a nice looking camera. Its white with mirror on the sides. It comes with a nice little dock to charge and transfer pictures. I haven't tried it yet as my computer is "being fixed". (See my pissed off at applecare thread)
The negitive about this camera is the zoom switch, its really tiny. It will definitly take time to get used to it. Otherwise its a nice camera.
I went to my local camera store, Cameta camera. He said the battery life is better and not worth the extra money on the Canon SD series. I value their opinion and we'll see what happens.
I got the camera, nikon case, transcend 1GB SD card (80x) for $270 plus tax....
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