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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 19, 2007
Pretty sure its me but how the heck do you do this? Before on my iPod all I had to do was drag and drop the files from wherever the file location was(old version of itunes). Now on iTunes 7.3 I gotta make a playlist and sync. I got that to work with songs but how the heck do I add videos that I converted for iPhone use?
There is a Video tab on the iPhone page in iTunes when you plug it in. You can sync movies/tv shows from here, but for some reason you cant sync music videos from here. I'm thinking you do this through a normal playlist and just sync the playlist, but i just re-categorized the few music videos i have as movies so they sync through the movies tab. Kind of odd...
There is a Video tab on the iPhone page in iTunes when you plug it in. You can sync movies/tv shows from here, but for some reason you cant sync music videos from here. I'm thinking you do this through a normal playlist and just sync the playlist, but i just re-categorized the few music videos i have as movies so they sync through the movies tab. Kind of odd...

In the music portion at the bottom there's a "include music videos" selection box.
oh man! i'm such a noob. i glazed over seeing the bottom portion of the video tab. thanks a bunch!
when i tried to sync music videos labeled as movies, only one of the six files were the right format and managed to transfer over, so i would rename the suspect video files to movies, try transfer them through the movies tab, and it'll give you a pop-up at the end of the transfer if any of the movies arent in the proper format.
What I'm not understanding is WHY I can't drag/drop songs or videos. I don't want to sync, I want to select.
Use iTunes "convert" function

The iPhone won't play all video formats that iTunes will, and it appears that iTunes is smart enough to know when a video can't be played by iPhoto (in that case, the software won't synch the video). However, iTunes will convert a video to a format that can be played on iPhone, which then will synch to the iPhone.

To convert the video, select the file you want, then click under the "advanced" menu and select the "convert selection for iPod" option. iTunes then will re-encode the selection and you can copy it over.

I'm not sure if iTunes 7.3 optimizes the resolution for iPhone as opposed to other (lower resolution) iPods, and I suspect not. However, at least this should let you copy your videos over to iPhoto.
I'm not sure why drag and drop doesn't work. I'd love to just pick a few favorite TV episodes (not the "most recent" or "most recent unwatched", but the episodes I want. I'm sure Apple will address this down the road.
I had the same problem but because my videos were on my external hard drive and it wouldn't transfer. I had to transfer the videos I want to the macbook hard drive and then to the iPod. Suck but it wouldn't work any other way.
here is what i do for the TV shows to selectively pick which ones I want on the iPhone.

Uncheck all of the TV shows, select all, shift + command + click on check box. Then I check the ones I want and say sync ALL episodes of those shows I want.

You have to check sync only checked files too
couldn't drag video, now i can

I had the same problem with draging videos to itunes playlist. i never had a problem till i had install a new motherboard on the pc, so when i reinstalled itunes 8 (8.20.23). i couldn't drag the videos in the playlist it took me a freaking hours trying to figure it out, then i decided to go to file on the upper left corner and make a new playlist name it, and that worked for me, i put all my videos back on my itouch. hope this help some of you!
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