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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 3, 2004
SO much help needed!!!!! I have 3 mac computers trying to create a network. 1 G4 powerbook running 10.2.8 with airport card...2 G4 433mhz running 9.2.2 with an airport card and 3.. an Imac 500mhz rinning 10.3.2 with an ethernet cable running directly to the airport base staion. All 3 can get on the internet just fine. The powerbook will occasionally see the Imac...the Imac seldon sees the Powerbook..and the G4 433mhz 9.2.2 can not see any of the computers nor can the opther computers see it. How do you set up a network with one computer running into the airport base station and the other two with airport cards. Help is greatly appreciated!!!!!
Ay yay yay. I remember when I had to do this. I was a total noob, and it was a headache to end all headaches making everything work. The first piece of advice is to be patient. :)

However, it sounds like you're nearly there. Is AppleTalk active on all your computers? You can toggle it on in System Prefs > Network. Click to configure your Airport connection and then click on the AppleTalk tab. That's where you can toggle it on.

Assuming that's part of the problem, you'll probably encounter new troubles once you get past this hurdle. Keep us posted when you get to that point.
Make sure they all have different computer names. I know this was a pain in the #@$@# for me when I was trying to add my laptop named "Mike's Computer" to my home network where I already had my older desktop named "Mike's Computer." There were no error messages or anything, it just didn't work until I noticed it and made the change.

Are any of them running any sort of firewall software that may be preventing connection?

If you have any other questions, ask away. Good luck!
You need to enable Appletalk to talk with Platinum.

Panther also requires the extra step of enabling Appletalk in /Applications/Utilities/Directory Access.
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