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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 19, 2004
Calgary, AB
Hey Folks,

So this morning on the way up to the hill I was struck with the following idea.

I threw this together in photoshop in about 20 mins, I'm just un-decided as to whether or not this is one of those ad ideas that seemed better on paper or if it's worth showing to the rest of the marketing dept. I work for a ski resort FYI.


  • champagne.jpg
    51.5 KB · Views: 245
dornoforpyros said:
Hey Folks,

So this morning on the way up to the hill I was struck with the following idea.

I threw this together in photoshop in about 20 mins, I'm just un-decided as to whether or not this is one of those ad ideas that seemed better on paper or if it's worth showing to the rest of the marketing dept. I work for a ski resort FYI.

You asked, so;
Bubbly and Flaked? :rolleyes:

Needs work with the wording, otherwise I like the idea. :)
Great concept but think of the champagne types (dryness) Extra dry, Brut, Dry etc. these terms could also apply to the [ideal] snow conditions. One thing I don't see is maybe a ghosted image of the lodge or your mountain in the background and/or a familiar reference so one could identify with your particular resort.

Work on it, I'd love to see the end result.:cool:

ps Oh, and use a champagne flute instead of a wine glass
If you do stick with that wording, I'd take out the "and" and just use & in the middle of the wine glass. Make it slightly transparent so it doesn't just jump out. Of course, with just seeing that in my head, it may turn out like ass.

You can never tell.

As was said before, you need to have something identifying the resort. While I saw the skier, at first blush, it looks more like and ad for some kind of wine than for a resort.
yeah I've dropped this concept. I came up with it one morning on the way to the hill and I thought it was cleaver, but seeing it on screen it just didn't translate the way I had planned. So I've let it die, no biggy.

Thanks for the input everyone
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