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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 9, 2005
The town without George Bailey
I just completed the gruelling task of informing every internet site I belong to that I changed my email address to .mac .

I've now realized that I have two apple IDs - the .mac one, and my old email address. The problem is, it won't let me delete the old apple ID.

I suddenly realized that if I could delete my old apple ID, I wouldn't be able to play my iTunes store music. So I tried changing the email address of the ID to the .mac one. No luck! Apparently, you can change to any address but a .mac one. Why is this? Why can't I merge the old ID into the new .mac one? I want to buy music using the new .mac ID, but it's very tedious to have to keep track of authorized macs for two email addresses, and security-wise, I'd rather not have two IDs to worry about.

Apple, why can't I have control over my own personal data? Although they have a right to keep the data if you voluntarily gave it over, I tend to have more respect for websites that let you delete your own accounts (like Google). It smacks of Microsoft Passport... :mad:
You can merge your old apple id into your new .mac id, but you have to get Apple to do it for you.

Have a look here:

You might have to persevere to get it done though. It took me several attempts - Apple first denied it was possible, and I had to email them several times (complete with the link to their own support site) before they finally found someone who knew how to do it.
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