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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 10, 2019
Hi everyone!

So basically, what happens is that when I plug one of my hard-drives, the thrascan gets full (up to 50 GB) and when I want to delete and clean it, it gets loading forever and in the end it tells me that I can't delete those files. As a consequence, my hard-drive is full (I can't clean the trashcan) and I keep having files that are useless. I've read here and there about typing some stuff in the console, but somehow this didn't work out.

I'm running my macbook in the admin user and I have no password for it (macbook was given to me like this).

Any tips?

Thanks so much :)
Suggestion 1: Setup admin password and create user with non-admin privileges (and password) and run there...
Suggestion 2: Easy solution is to copy all other files from the drive elsewhere and reformat the drive. Then copy back. After fighting with similarly stupid undeletable files few times, I have realized that this may be easiest and fastest solution.
If that is not option, there are guides on the net how to do this using command line, but they generally require sudo which may be impossible to invoke without admin password, not sure... Also, I have found these methods sometimes simply not working.
First, I suggest you get into the habit of emptying the trash at more frequent intervals (so it doesn't get so full).

I'm wondering if the reason you can't delete some items in the trash may be because they are items the OS needs to run?

No administrative password?
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