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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2012
Have a new Mac Pro. When I try to download Flash Player using Safari I get a message - "Cannot be Copied Because there is Not Enough Free Space" I have 700 GB plus of free space on Hard Drive. I have made sure Hard Drive is set to "read & write" as one thread suggested in Sharing & Permissions. Also, my Time and Date are correct, as another thread proposed. Any suggestions? Thanks.:confused:
Have a new Mac Pro. When I try to download Flash Player using Safari I get a message - "Cannot be Copied Because there is Not Enough Free Space" I have 700 GB plus of free space on Hard Drive. I have made sure Hard Drive is set to "read & write" as one thread suggested in Sharing & Permissions. Also, my Time and Date are correct, as another thread proposed. Any suggestions? Thanks.:confused:
Are you downloading from the Adobe site?

For Flash-related issues:
  • Find your Flash version and make sure it's the latest version available. Never install or update Flash from a pop-up on a website. Always go to Adobe's site to get Flash or updates.
  • Install ClickToFlash (Safari), Flashblock (Firefox) or FlashBlock (Chrome) to control which Flash content plays on websites.
  • Try using the YouTube HTML5 Video Player to watch YouTube videos, when available. (May impact fullscreen viewing. See link for details.) Some have reported better performance with HTML5, while some have reported worse. Try it and find out what works best for you.
Have a new Mac Pro. When I try to download Flash Player using Safari I get a message - "Cannot be Copied Because there is Not Enough Free Space" I have 700 GB plus of free space on Hard Drive. I have made sure Hard Drive is set to "read & write" as one thread suggested in Sharing & Permissions. Also, my Time and Date are correct, as another thread proposed. Any suggestions? Thanks.:confused:

diskutil repairPermissions /
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