Hi All,
I'm new to mac programming and I'm having some problems trying to draw on a CALayer. I'm creating my layer in a viewcontroller using the function (below). This is called in the -viewDidLoad of my viewcontroller.
myHelper is an object that only contains the delegate (below) I'm using to do the drawing:
When I run the app, I see the new background color of the layer but I can't seem to be able to get it to draw my rectangle. Does anyone know what I'm missing?
I'm new to mac programming and I'm having some problems trying to draw on a CALayer. I'm creating my layer in a viewcontroller using the function (below). This is called in the -viewDidLoad of my viewcontroller.
-(void)setupLayers {
myHelper = [[ViewDelegateHelper alloc] init]; //an object containing only my drawLayerinContext delegate
//Layer 1
Layer1 = [CALayer layer];
Layer1.frame = CGRectMake(50.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0);
Layer1.name = @"BarOneLayer";
[Layer1 setDelegate:myHelper];
[[self.view layer] addSublayer:Layer1];
myHelper is an object that only contains the delegate (below) I'm using to do the drawing:
- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)myLayer inContext:(CGContextRef)myContext{
CALayer *theLayer = [CALayer layer];
*theLayer = *myLayer;
CGRect rectOne = CGRectMake(40, 150, 50, 300 );
theLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320,480 );
//change background layer color
float components[4] = {0, 0, 1, 0.5};
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGColorRef transparentColor = CGColorCreate( colorSpace, components);
theLayer.backgroundColor = transparentColor;
//draw rectangle on layer
CGContextSetRGBFillColor (myContext, 1, 1, 0, 1);
CGContextFillRect (myContext, rectOne);
When I run the app, I see the new background color of the layer but I can't seem to be able to get it to draw my rectangle. Does anyone know what I'm missing?