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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 16, 2009
Can anyone help with this? Am i missing something?

Thanks in advance everyone...
Ahh gotcha, I was using youtube to get info on how to upload themes etc, everyone keeps referring to summerboard etc and installer. Ok I have springboard and winterboard so I should be good to go then?
To add themes, do i just create a folder under "/private/var/stash/Themes.5o33QF" and drop all the .png etc files into that newly create folder?
To add themes, do i just create a folder under "/private/var/stash/Themes.5o33QF" and drop all the .png etc files into that newly create folder?

Weird. I just install new Winterboard things from Cydia itself and then enable it in Winterboard.

Actually, all that I use it for is to change my battery to be glowy blue when it's full and progressively less colorful (from blue to green down to red) as it dies...
hmm, well, theres another thread here with screenshots of winterboard etc. Some have provided a link for the download. So what i did was DL'd to my desktop, then unzipped the contents to the phone in the directory through the mehtod above. Seemed to work, but not sure if Im doing this correctly. Im kinda just winging everything lol. New to this whole iphone stuff.
hmm, well, theres another thread here with screenshots of winterboard etc. Some have provided a link for the download. So what i did was DL'd to my desktop, then unzipped the contents to the phone in the directory through the mehtod above. Seemed to work, but not sure if Im doing this correctly. Im kinda just winging everything lol. New to this whole iphone stuff.

Normally you download themes from Cydia itself. Or if you download from someones website, you'll need to SSH to your iPhone and put them in the /private/var/stash/Themes.random_string. :)

With with method you'd go to Winterboard and select the active theme and simply exit Winterboard to activate.
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