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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 20, 2007

I just jailbroke my iPhone (3g) running 2.1 using quickpwn for mac. Since it only installed installer and not cydia (is this normal?), I tried to get cydia from the sources listed here, but when I try to add the sources it says 'Unable to decode source" The only one that works, but when I try to install Cydia, it says "Unable to decode package more info at"

Any ideas?

Well Im not sure how QuickPwn works with a Mac, but with Windows it allows you to install cydia and installer. The boxes to install these programs come checked by default. The only thing I can think of is that you accidentally unchecked cydia during the jailbreak process.

Hope that made sense. My solution would be to restore your phone and re-jailbreak. This time, make sure the cydia box is checked.
No need to restore.

I would uninstall any jailbreaked apps you installed with installer if you installed any.

Then just run quickpwn again and check both installer AND cydia.

It will just add cydia and reinstall installer on top of the existing version.
I would restore. Use quickpwn again and it should be there. I would stay away from installer too. It causes crashes all the time.
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but there are no options whatsoever in my QuickPwn.

I tried it again, and I still get only Installer.

That is really weird. There should be a window that comes up with three options in it:

1. Install Cydia (this will be checked automatically)
2. Install Installer (this will be checked automatically)
3. Install Pineapple logo (this will be unchecked)

Again, this was my experience in Windows. Do you have access to a pc?
That is really weird. There should be a window that comes up with three options in it:

1. Install Cydia (this will be checked automatically)
2. Install Installer (this will be checked automatically)
3. Install Pineapple logo (this will be unchecked)

Again, this was my experience in Windows. Do you have access to a pc?

Maybe the Mac version is different. It only asks if I want to keep the Pineapple logo or not. I'll try it on a PC though.

can't you just find it somewhere online and SSH it into your iphone?

i backed up every app on my iphone including cydia and installer apps so that i can just ssh them back whenever i restore or whatever.
can't you just find it somewhere online and SSH it into your iphone?

i backed up every app on my iphone including cydia and installer apps so that i can just ssh them back whenever i restore or whatever.

What directory would I SSH it in to?
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