I just jailbroke my iPhone (3g) running 2.1 using quickpwn for mac. Since it only installed installer and not cydia (is this normal?), I tried to get cydia from the sources listed here, but when I try to add the sources it says 'Unable to decode source" The only one that works http://apt.saurik.com/, but when I try to install Cydia, it says "Unable to decode package more info at http://cydia.saurik.com/apptapp/"
Any ideas?
I just jailbroke my iPhone (3g) running 2.1 using quickpwn for mac. Since it only installed installer and not cydia (is this normal?), I tried to get cydia from the sources listed here, but when I try to add the sources it says 'Unable to decode source" The only one that works http://apt.saurik.com/, but when I try to install Cydia, it says "Unable to decode package more info at http://cydia.saurik.com/apptapp/"
Any ideas?