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macrumors 68020
Original poster
May 9, 2008

So I just got a brand-spanking new black 16GB iPhone 3G. I got it from '3HK' so its unlocked, just want to jailbreak now! I followed all instructions from Pwnage tool v2.0.3 on my iPhone 3G 2.0.1 fw, and when it starts the restore process, it says 'This iPhone could not be restored, error (xx)'. different errors every time. Any help?

Isn't Quickpwn for Windows? And I think that both Pwnage and Quickpwn use the same 'technique' from the Dev Team, so I don't think that there's a difference...

No. OS X versions of Quickpwn and Pwnage exist. I'm not a programmer, so I can't say if their techniques are the same. However, I can tell you that I have a 3G 16BG iPhone and was unable to JB it with Pwnage. I was able to do it with Quickpwn. I noticed that Pwnage basically creates a "custom" firmware file that iTunes loads. Quickpwn also creates the file, but it seemed to send the file to the phone. iTunes was not involved in the JB.

QuickPwn does, as is stated above, exist for Mac OS X.

The technique is similar, but it is done differently.

PwnageTool uses iTunes to create a custom ispw.

QuickPwn loads the custom ispw directly onto the iPhone, without iTunes being involved.

I've seen some people report different results with one over the other.

If PwnageTool doesn't work, definitely try QuickPwn.

I've used them both, and they are both incredibly easy to use.

For detailed instructions:
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