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John B Beta

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
Something v bizarre going on with my powerbook. I have it set so when u start up you have to select user and enter password - but it jsut won't log in - jsut hangs, and i get the spinning beachballofdoom, then eventually a message that says "sorry you cant log in at this time - please contact your administrator for assistance" or somethign like that. Has been happening every now adn then for a month or so, but if i rebooted adn tried againb it woudl usually let me in - now, NeVVVer...

My user IS the main administrator one - i havent messed about with permissions or anything - i am definitely entering the right password, its not doign the shake thing - ive tried booting from the panther installation cd that came with it, and running disk utility, verifyiung disk permissions, adn repairing disk - nothing was majory wrong. The first time i did that it let me log in the next time, now nothing... There's plenty of space on teh HD - no dodgy software, i have a firewall, adn up to date virex software - and i keep all the software updates in order...

anyone konw whats wrong? or am i gon ahave to go thru T booting firewire stylee, rescuing all my file adn installing from scratch?! Please, someone... Helllppp meeeeee
Have you tried resetting your password? Boot from the Panther CD and when you get to install page, go to the top of the screen to one of the menus and there should be an option for to reset your password. Try fixing your permissions again after you do that. Hope it works.
I just can't understand why so many people post their problem twice with exactly the same description. The other thread already has two answers, so could any mod please close his one?
next time don't forget to add an extra admin account or enable root. always comes in handy to have an extra one to use if your main one crapped out on you.
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