This didn't work... even created a new account on youtube and still can't log in with even that.
Same problem here! Spent over 90 minutes on the phone with Apple Support last week trying to resolve the problem without success. Things tried
unsuccessfully so far:
1) Creating new AppleID account (different ID and password)
2) Testing network
3) Connecting AppleTV to router via ethernet rather than wirelessly
4) Resetting router - resetting AppleTV
5) Restarting MacBook Pro
6) Accessing/trying to view FREE iTunes TV content
7) Signing in via Home Sharing
8) Signing in via iTunes (in Network list)
9) Removing password protection from router
10) Viewing uTube content
can do the following:
1) View movie and/or TV previews
2) Listen to internet radio
As of Thursday evening, it's been bumped up to the Apple engineers. My Apple advisor is off on Mondays, so it'll be tomorrow at the earliest before we can begin trying to get this thing to work.