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Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jul 4, 2004
Have just received 3 DVDs of images (NEF files) from a commissioned photographer shot with a Nikon D1... but despite installing the Camera Raw plugin (2.4) into the File Formats in the Plug-Ins folder, I can't get Photoshop CS to recognise them, let alone open them.

Any clues?

I've googled around and have followed all instructions but can't get the wretched thing to work, dammit. :mad:

I need to run a batch process over the whole lot before Monday.

All help and hand-holding much appreciated.


Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jul 4, 2004
mad jew said:
I don't know much 'bout this sort of stuff but this site implies you'll need version 3.3 or later (3.4 is current, I think) to use pictures from the D1. :)

Been there... That's for Photoshop CS2. Thanks anyway.

Mind you, I may just have to download the trial version of CS2 at home to sort this out over the weekend... it's the usual thing; work spiralling out of control on a Friday.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Right. Tell me to piss off if I'm being any more ignorant than usual, but if the D70 is anything like the D1 then the workaround involves messing with metadata. There's a post by Richard Williams in this thread briefly outlining what needs to be done. I'm not sure if it makes any sense to you, but to me it all looks too hard. The CS2 demo seems like a much more sensible option. :)


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
I would be most interested in an answer to this as well, I don't seem to be able to open RAW files from my canon 350d in PSCS even though I have tried it with all of the plugins.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jul 4, 2004
mad jew said:
...not sure if it makes any sense to you, but to me it all looks too hard. The CS2 demo seems like a much more sensible option. :)

Thanks for googling and hunting around for me... I've had a cursory read but will look into it tonight. I've just had the production guys at the printing company on the phone about my nightmare book project as well... juggling chainsaws here. Weekend work here we come.


macrumors 6502
Jul 8, 2005
Santa Rosa, California
I think I may know the problem. In CS there is a limited amount of RAW plugins available.

For example, my D70s' RAW files will not open in CS but will in CS2. The reason for this:

Adobe wants you to buy CS2 since it is an "updated" program for the more advanced features of raw...


But there is a bright side. Do a google search for Adobe DNG Convertor and download that. That will convert all your newer RAW files into a RAW format that CS will understand and you don't lose any of the features of RAW.

Hopefully I make sense. Had a few too many tonight and still feeling it...


Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jul 4, 2004
Crawn2003 said:
I think I may know the problem. In CS there is a limited amount of RAW plugins available.

For example, my D70s' RAW files will not open in CS but will in CS2. The reason for this:

Adobe wants you to buy CS2 since it is an "updated" program for the more advanced features of raw...


But there is a bright side. Do a google search for Adobe DNG Convertor and download that. That will convert all your newer RAW files into a RAW format that CS will understand and you don't lose any of the features of RAW.

Hopefully I make sense. Had a few too many tonight and still feeling it...


Thanks for that piece of useful info. Didn't know about the DNG converter... in the end, I downloaded a trial version of CS2 and batch-converted 9gb worth to TIFFs at home over the weekend. More on the way later today too...

To not update plugins for one earlier generation of Photoshop smacks of shady practices to me. I could understand it if I was trying to open them in Pshop 5 or 6... :mad:


macrumors 601
May 29, 2005
I tried downloading that Camera RAW plug in and the DNG for Photoshop CS and.. it didn't work? :confused:


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macrumors regular
Mar 4, 2004
I use DNG Convertor all the time to allow PS CS to open them in Camera Raw. Works a treat if you don't have PS CS2
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