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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 15, 2002

I can't open my trash folder on my '09 mac pro... i click on it in my dock, and literally nothing happens. the trash can icon just blinks.

I have an '09 mac pro, with my boot disk on a raid 0 totally 160 gigs of intel ssd's... os x lion.

what the? what should i do?

The Trash is probably deleted accidentally. You can recreate it easy enough.
Open a terminal shell and type:
cd ~ (press return)
ls -a (press return)
If .Trash is not present in the list type:
mkdir .Trash
Trash will be back and usable again.
.trash was on the list... but thank you for your effort...


Reboot could clear it up.
Can you navigate into Trash via Terminal? Is there anything in it?
cd ~/.Trash
ls (press return)

You can also relaunch the Dock.
killall Dock (press return)

Can you give any more details? It just blinks? I have never seen any directory or link just "blink". Trash is nothing more than a directory. Question mark and warnings, yes.

You could delete the Trash directory and re-create a fresh one following the directions I posted earlier.
I had the same issue. Not sure what the situation was. But, terminal showed all was well, relaunching the dock didn't help, but the reboot fixed it.
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