So I'm at the self-checkout in WalMart today and go to use WalMart Pay like I always do, and for some stupid reason it takes me to the setup screen as if this is my first time using it. Only thing I can think of is I updated iOS earlier that day so maybe that prompted the app to reset something? Anyway, I use 1Password, so I figure - not too big of a deal - let me just open my 1Password app and quickly copy/paste my very long/strong password to the WalMart app. No dice. The d**n password field on the WalMart app won't let me paste no matter how many times I tap on it. I get no pop-up menu - just the blinking cursor. No prompt to fill the password from the 1Password app either like I get on some other apps right above the keyboard. So my only option is to literally hand-copy this 20-character jumbled bunch of numbers/letters/symbols so I can manually type it into the app.
Am I missing something here?
Am I missing something here?