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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2007
All right, need to see if anyone has an answer to this one..spent three hours with Canon last night to no avail! I have a new Canon G7 and when I shoot video (any mode) it plays fine on the camera, but when I download it to my MAC G5, only the first initial screen shot is displayed and the screen goes blank. This happens in both ImageBrowser and iPhoto. My old G3 and my mothers A640 does not have this problem on the same computer. Additionally, when I download the video from the G7 on a problem, it plays fine! I have reformatted the SD cards, I have downloaded new software off of, I have the most recent Quicktime player, etc. etc? I need help obviously....I am about to return this, buy another G7 to see if it is the cameras problem or else I will go to a Canon S5 IS and try that one...any advice?


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
Macs CAN play some AVI's... it depends on the video codec used.

In the case of the G7, you're Mac should be able to play the videos just fine with the quicktime player. I have a G7, and the videos play fine using the QuickTime Player on both a PowerBook G4 and a MacBook Pro.

I'm not sure what the solution is for you though... have you tried it on a different user account?

Are the videos opening in a different video player like VLC or MPlayer? On my machine the videos don't play in VLC... only Quicktime Player works. You should also be able to import them into iMovie if you have that.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2007
Thank you!!

Thanks called it...downloaded the DivX playter into the HD and boom...everything works!! Thanks again!
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