Hey all. A friend of mine can't read targa files on his powerbook with 10.2.8. It doesn't make any sense and I dont know what to do to fix this. I need him to be able to read them so he can help me with my film.
I already tried verifying permissions and fsck -y but of course, nothing.
Has anyone heard of this happening? experienced this? Have an idea of what to try?
They dont show in the finder or preview and no applications recognize them. And they were NOT created in Photoshop, so it isnt a PS thing...
I already tried verifying permissions and fsck -y but of course, nothing.
Has anyone heard of this happening? experienced this? Have an idea of what to try?
They dont show in the finder or preview and no applications recognize them. And they were NOT created in Photoshop, so it isnt a PS thing...