Hi all, sorry to be one of those many people who joins just to get answers to a problem, then sods off never to be seen again, but I'm having problems with my iPhone 5.
I bought it second hand, without any information about which carrier it was on, and didn't realize this was going to be an issue until i tried to restore it. With my 3gs their was either nothing forcing you to have a sim in, or there was some workaround.
Anyway, I used this program called copytrans or something that told me I was on o2. After having an o2 simcard sent to the house, one of three things has happened, either A, I have terrible o2 service in my house (unlikely, i live in a city) B, the simcard is weird, and I have to use it in an already active phone, before putting it in my iPhone (sounds dumb but might be the case) or C, my iPhone is not on o2, which i think is the most likely. The program did come up with an error when it tried to get info about my phone, so it just defaulted to o2. It also said my phone is from ireland, and I live in England, so that might also be a problem.
So yeah, if anyone can shine any kind of light on this matter, i would be extremely greatfull, as at the moment all I have is a very aesthetically pleasing paperwieght
I bought it second hand, without any information about which carrier it was on, and didn't realize this was going to be an issue until i tried to restore it. With my 3gs their was either nothing forcing you to have a sim in, or there was some workaround.
Anyway, I used this program called copytrans or something that told me I was on o2. After having an o2 simcard sent to the house, one of three things has happened, either A, I have terrible o2 service in my house (unlikely, i live in a city) B, the simcard is weird, and I have to use it in an already active phone, before putting it in my iPhone (sounds dumb but might be the case) or C, my iPhone is not on o2, which i think is the most likely. The program did come up with an error when it tried to get info about my phone, so it just defaulted to o2. It also said my phone is from ireland, and I live in England, so that might also be a problem.
So yeah, if anyone can shine any kind of light on this matter, i would be extremely greatfull, as at the moment all I have is a very aesthetically pleasing paperwieght