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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2009
I"m using Pages 4.3 but since upgrading to Sierra I'm not able to 'Save As...' a new file. It just saves as is so I have a file saved as 'untitled.'
I'm curious as to why this is happening.
Haven't noticed any other apps behaving this way (OmniOutliner 5). Is it because this version of Pages is older?
If you hold down the option key -before- you try the "file" menu, do you get "save as…"?
If you hold down the option key -before- you try the "file" menu, do you get "save as…"?
works for me too. Is this a change in Sierra? If so, why would other applications still default to 'Save as...?'
You can add the command "Save As" back to all apps.

Open System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts
Select App Shortcuts
Select All Applications dropdown
Select +
Type exactly Save As… (Note that the three dots are a single ellipsis character, which you can type with Option-semicolon. )
Enter the short cut by typing command shift uparrow.
You'll find the command available in all apps now.
You can add the command "Save As" back to all apps.

Open System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts
Select App Shortcuts
Select All Applications dropdown
Select +
Type exactly Save As… (Note that the three dots are a single ellipsis character, which you can type with Option-semicolon. )
Enter the short cut by typing command shift uparrow.
You'll find the command available in all apps now.

Excellent tip! Thank you!
1000 likes for dianeoforegon. Thanks for a great tip!

Glad I could help. You can use this to add shortcuts to other Finder items in the Menu bar that do not have shortcuts. Be careful when adding a shortcut to add one that is not already used. I usually add Command, Option, Control plus another key.
Glad I could help. You can use this to add shortcuts to other Finder items in the Menu bar that do not have shortcuts. Be careful when adding a shortcut to add one that is not already used. I usually add Command, Option, Control plus another key.
Thanks a ton.
Pages is defaulting to the Pages iCloud for saving though. How do I change THAT?
Thanks a ton.
Pages is defaulting to the Pages iCloud for saving though. How do I change THAT?

You can uncheck Pages in System Preferences > iCloud. You would still have the option to save to iCloud, just not to the special Pages folder created by Apple.

Pages for Mac: Save and name a Pages document

Default Folder X allows you to set the default folder on a per-application basis, or system-wide.

Try the demo.
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