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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 13, 2004
Sweden /Luleå

I have just purhased my first Mac and im having som problems.
I have purhased a used powermac G4 450 really cheap, It didnt come with a harddrive so i have installed an old 80gb Seagate barracuda IV IDE in it. The problem is that when i try to install OS X Panther i cant see the harddrive!
Im thinking maybe i should prepare the drive in some utility?

My english really sucks, but i hope you can understand my question..
Can't see hard drive!

Originally posted by peppz
I have purhased a used powermac G4 450 really cheap.
It didn't come with a harddrive so i have installed an old 80gb Seagate barracuda IV IDE in it. The problem is that when i try to install OS X Panther i can't see the hard drive!
Im thinking maybe i should prepare the drive in some utility?
My english really sucks, but i hope you can understand my question..
Welcome to MacRumors Forums, peppz!
It helps others to understand where you are coming from if you fill out your Profile (location, computer, age, occupation, etc.), then we can help bridge any language gap instead of you just trying to speak English. Just CLICK on your name peppz on your own post, and the link will automatically take you to your Profile where you can update your information.

1. You appear to have a G4 PowerPC 450MHz made in about 2000, 56k modem, USB and FireWire ports, bus is 33MHz, laser drive is CD/DVD-ROM only
2. It came with either a 10GB or 20GB hard drive (missing?), so you have really improved it with an 80GB HD. New Hard Drive installation is with Disk Utility application, found in the Utilities folder inside the Applications folder.
3. Are you starting up on Panther installation disk? If you don't see the 80GB Seagate (it's a good drive) then it may not be installed properly, jumper must be in right location for Master (not slave), toggle switches (if any) have to be set right, and proper cable attached. If Hard Drive is used and without instructions or a manual, check with manufacturer (Seagate) to download a Manual in PDF form for your Model (Barracuda IV IDE), then look at the picture diagrams carefully to see how the Jumper(s) are placed on the pins for "Master".
4. Check the RAM using the System Profiler file to see what your total RAM is. You'll need at least 256MB and 512 or better is best. RAM for your Mac is super cheap now, so Max out the RAM.
5. It may be a good idea to take your Mac to an Apple Authorized Dealer and pay to have Panther installed and the computer set up and checked out for you.

Until you have a hard drive (called Macintosh HD) you cannot do much. Let us know what you are doing and how things are progressing, peppz. We wish you good luck with your Mac. ;)
Hello again!

I purhased t from a friend of mine who has bought e new and just took the parts from this one, it didnt have hd, ram, cd-rom when i got it so i have now put in 128mb ram a 80gb harddrive and a usual cd-rom. It was shipped from factory as follows:
G4 PowerPC 450mhz
27gb hd
DVD-RAM drive
ATI AGP graphics
firewire but no modem

Anyway i have solved the problem now ;)
I really have only worked with PC earlier, so im kinda novice on Mac...
Anyway, i started the the disk utility application and formated the drive, and now i can see it in the install :)

Thanks for the help anyway!

Best regards
Up and running!

Originally posted by peppz
a friend of mine ...just took the parts from this one, it didnt have hd, ram, cd-rom when i got it so i have now put in
128mb ram a
80gb harddrive and a usual
It was shipped from factory as follows:
G4 PowerPC 450mhz
256 ram
27gb hd
DVD-RAM drive
ATI AGP graphics
but no modem

Anyway i have solved the problem now ;)
I really have only worked with PC earlier, so im kinda novice on Mac...
Anyway, i started the the disk utility application and formated the drive, and now i can see it in the install :) Robert
Excellent, Robert.
Thanks for updating your Profile, it helps.
I meant to tell you before that you seem to have gotten a good bargain on your computer, even if it was stripped. Your "sawtooth" is an excellent G4 Mac. :)
RAM is cheap so add at least enough to have well over 512MB total.
You already have installed an excellent brand of Hard Drive, Seagate, and the 7200 rpm Barracuda IV is well built, and should be very quiet.
If your laser drive is only CD-ROM, I strongly urge you to get a Pioneer A05, A06, or new A07 SuperDrive (DVD/CD) which will write on a blank DVD at 4x or 8x speed. Then you can use your Mac to watch DVD movies, and some software is so large that it also comes on DVD disks instead of only CDs. These "SuperDrives" let you write or "burn" DVD blanks yourself, so you can easily make your own movies with iMovie and iDVD.

Robert, is your operating system OS X? If so, what version? 10.2 Jaguar? or 10.3 Panther?
Originally posted by peppz
a friend of mine ...just took the parts from this one, it didnt have hd, ram, cd-rom when i got it so i have now put in
128mb ram a
80gb harddrive and a usual
It was shipped from factory as follows:
G4 PowerPC 450mhz
256 ram
27gb hd
DVD-RAM drive
ATI AGP graphics

Anyway i have solved the problem now
I really have only worked with PC earlier, so im kinda novice on Mac...
Anyway, i started the the disk utility application and formated the drive, and now i can see it in the install Robert

Uitstekend, Robert;)
Dank voor het bijwerken van uw Profiel, het helpt. Helpt deze
Nederlandse vertaling? Ik veronderstel u Nederlandse beter kunt lezen
dan Engels, die een slecht substituut voor Zweeds is, maar de
toepassing SHERLOCK-Translation
van de Appel heeft het geen Engels aan slechts
Nederlands Zweeds. Droevig. :( opnieuw, ONTHAAL.
Ik wilde u vóór dat vertellen u schijnt om een goed koopje op uw
computer gekregen te hebben, zelfs als het gestript was. Uw "zaagtand"
is uitstekend G4 MAC. :)
De RAM is goedkoop zo toevoegt minstens genoeg om goed meer dan totaal
te hebben 512MB.
U hebt reeds een uitstekend merk van Harde Aandrijving, Seagate
geïnstalleerd, en 7200 t/min Barracuda IV wordt goed gebouwd, en zou
zeer stil moeten zijn.
Als uw laseraandrijving slechts CD-ROM is, spoor ik u aan sterk om een
Pionier A05, A06, of nieuwe A07 SuperDrive (DVD/CD) die op een lege
DVD bij 4x of 8x snelheid te krijgen zullen schrijven. Dan kunt u uw
MAC gebruiken om op movies te letten DVD, en wat software is zo groot
dat het ook op schijven DVD in plaats van slechts CDs komt. Deze
"SuperDrives" laten u schrijven of spaties "branden" DVD zelf, zodat
kunt u uw eigen movies met iMovie en iDVD gemakkelijk maken.

Robert, is uw werkend systeem OS X? Als zo, welke versie? 10.2 Jaguar?
of Panther 10,3?
Originally posted by peppz
I'm using OS X 10.3 Panther.
sdram is not very cheap here in sweden.. actually ddr is much cheaper to buy :(
Yes, I think that is true everywhere.
Are you allowed to buy RAM from America?
Make sure this is the type of RAM your computer uses.
Your Mac could be either AGP or PCI, make sure before you buy.,+400,+450,+and+500MHz)&memtype=CHOOSE

Important information about your system

Although it is physically possible to install more memory, the system will only recognize the maximum listed. Installing more memory may cause major problems. Consult the system's manufacturer for more information. AGP graphics version supports up to 1.5GB with 512MB modules, but the PCI graphics version will only accept up to 1GB using 256MB modules.

Did the SHERLOCK translation to Dutch help? Your English is really excellent.


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Im aiming for 512mb ram to begin with.
Yepp, it uses pc100 sdram.
Yepp, it's a agp graphics card in it, a ATI rage 128 with 16mb memory. Should i upgrade it?

Thanks for the compliments about my english, I dont understand a word of dutch :)
Originally posted by peppz
Im aiming for 512mb ram to begin with.
Yepp, it uses pc100 sdram.
Yepp, it's a agp graphics card in it, a ATI rage 128 with 16mb memory. Should i upgrade it?

Thanks for the compliments about my english, I dont understand a word of dutch :)
I live next to México, y yo no hablo nada Español bien sin Sherlock. :D Americans have a lot of respect for Europeans who usually speak several languages besides their own, while we sometimes have a hard time mastering English.

512mb ram to begin with... EXCELLENT!
Yepp, it uses pc100 sdram.
CHECK to see if PC133 will work (often does) which may be as cheap and it's an upgrade which will be worth more later. 512MB barely costs more than 256MB.

Yepp, it has an agp graphics card in it, an ATI Rage 128 with 16mb memory. Should i upgrade it?

ONLY if you have problems with games or graphics, otherwise, why bother? I'd wait to replace the graphics card last.

Try a Kensington Expert Mouse with a Scroll Ring™ that surrounds the Trackball - you'll love it way more than a mouse. Let me know what you think. USB or Bluetooth wireless.

Once you know what you want, check online auctions like eBay for old RAM and graphics cards CHEAP.


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Ok, i will try with a pc133 later.

About the graphics..
It's a 450mhz... can i play anything?
Like rainbow six and those kinda games?
Or is it to slow? :)

I already have a logitech mouse that i like, but thanks for the advice. I will try one if i have the oppertunity.
Is G4 450mhz fast enough for games?

Originally posted by peppz
About the graphics... It's a 450mhz... can i play anything? or is it too slow?
Like rainbow six and those kinda games?
The 450mhz CPU speed combined with your 7200 rpm Hard Drive should handle games more than adequately.
If your Mac is going to have a weakness while gaming that slows playing rates down, it would most likely be the Graphics Card. If you feel that the detail in the graphics, or the speed is too slow, then talk to the Chip people about what is the highest graphics cards your G4 can handle above what it currently has installed. Their answer will give you a range of cards by name and price. Then check for used cards on eBay and other auctions and sources, to find the best price.

Besides the Graphics Card, game speed can be effected by limited RAM. :(
Ok, like on PCs then.
Hm, G4 PowerPC 450mhz.. witch Intel processor does that compare to?
I mean how fast pc is it similar to?
Comparing PC speed to Mac - not easy!

Originally posted by peppz
Ok, like on PCs then.
Hm, G4 PowerPC 450mhz..
which Intel processor does that compare to?
I mean how fast pc is it similar to?
Robert, there is no really accurate way to compare a Mac to a PC for speed chip-to-chip.
MHz or GHz speed on each is a different measure; it is hard to compare.

Mac PPC G4/G5 speeds are traditionally more effective at lower clock-speeds than an Intel Pentium, so a PC 450MHz would likely run slower than a Mac 450MHz. But there is no fair way to compare the two. And, it depends on what program you are running on each platform - Mac is better at Adobe Photoshop, while a PC E-Machine flat rocks for games, even compared to a Dell with the same clock-speed.

The point I have been trying to make with you about your G4 Mac is
1. Accept your G4 for its 450MHz speed, but
2. Max out the RAM for speed enhancement, get a
3. Fast 7200 rpm Hard Drive - which you already did!
4. Run Panther OS X 10.3.2, which is pretty snappy.

Robert, I not only got an 8x DVD writing Pioneer DVR-A07 today at Fry's Electronics for $189 sale price (regular $229) but Pioneer has a $30 rebate coupon (down to $159 cost!), and my MacBuddy who has a 350MHz sawtooth much like yours has agreed to buy my old Apple SuperDrive / Pioneer DVR-104 (2x) for $99 installed at his house along with a copy of iDVD and iMovie. Net to me is only $60! ;)
but, I also ordered 512MB of RAM for my G3 iBook 700MHz for $138.
Anyone, want to bid on my 128MB chip when I pull it?

I've already installed the new 8x DVD SuperDrive and it is unbelievably FAST, quiet and smooth! Chapter jumps are instantaneous no search time delay, and Fast Forward is in jumps of 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x and 32x!
I love it :p and recommend this upgrade to anyone.
This is not the right thread but.. Ibook?
Are you pleased with yours?
I got an HP pavillion laptop with:
athlonxp-m 2500+
512 ram
60 gb hd bla bla.
that im thinking about maybe try to trade it for a ibook..
Do you think that's wise?
Originally posted by peppz
iBook? Are you pleased with yours?
I got an HP pavillion laptop with:
athlon xp-m 2500+
512 ram
60 gb hd bla bla.
I'm thinking about maybe trying to trade it for an iBook..
Do you think that's wise?
Do not get a G3 iBook that are real cheap right now because the [/B]G4 iBooks[/B] are out and they are far better and faster - I recommend the G4.

If you don't need a SuperDrive DVD burner in you laptop, then a G4 iBook can save you money over a PowerBook.

Robert, if you decide to get an Apple laptop, whether iBook or PowerBook, let me know because there are some ways to downgrade somethings to save money, and upgrade others to get the best out of it. It's complicated.
If you can afford it, the loaded 15" PB is awesome at $2,599 USD.

The biggest advantage to you, Robert, is that you can use .Mac and iSync to syncronize your G4 Sawtooth with either Apple laptop, and Mac applications that you buy will install and work on both. Plus, when you get a printer, external firewire hard drive, digital camera, DV camcorder, whatever, they will work on all the Macs you own, and function the same way. Going all Mac simplifies your iLife.


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I dont want to spend som much money, I have looked at a ibook G4 933 with 14" screen, 256 ram and 40gb hd.
Is it a good choice?
It looks lika a good computer that fits my needs!
I dont need to have very much "power" because im only gonna surf on the internet and use small applications on it.
I love to play games but i have a very powerful PC to do that on.
iBook G4 933 14"

Originally posted by peppz
I dont want to spend too much money, I have looked at a
iBook G4 933 with 14" screen,
128 ram built-in (128 added) and 40gb hd
Is it a good choice?
It looks like a good computer that fits my needs!
I don't need to have very much "power" because i'm only gonna surf on the internet and use small applications on it.
I love to play games but i have a very powerful PC to do that on.
Excellent choice, Robert!

iBook 933MHz 14"
Subtotal $1,299. USD is rated higher in "value" than the more expensive 1GHz model
• 128MB DDR266 built-in & 128MB SO-DIMM added in only slot
Upgrade added RAM to 512MB (128 @ $25 is worthless) determine best price: Apple or after market? You only have 1-slot, so max it out.
• 40GB Ultra ATA drive 4200 rpm (buy "as is")
(Apple does NOT offer FAST hard drive in iBooks, so buy 60GB 7200 rpm Hitachi $259 USD later, pay Apple Auth. Repair to install to avoid voiding warranty.)
• Combo Drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)
• Keyboard/Mac OS X - U.S. English
• 14.1-inch TFT XGA display
• 933MHz PowerPC G4
• ATI Mobility Radeon 9200 w/ 32MB DDR video memory
• Add: Order Bluetooth Module inside NOW - because you cannot install inside later! You want wireless!
• Add: .Mac - Special Offer: Purchase a new Mac between December 27, 2003 and March 27, 2004, and get .Mac for $69.95 USD (SAVE 30%). Also, check out member benefits:
• Save US$30 on Apple's Keynote Software • Offer good through March 17, 2004
• Seven Free Keynote Themes—US$100 value Offer good through March 17, 2004 (Download NOW even if you don't buy Keynote until later!)
• Twelve Free GameHouse Puzzles Offer good through April 28, 2004
• .Mac Getting Started Manual
Now you can download the PDF version of the Getting Started Manual that's included with the retail boxed version of .Mac. (Very important if you are new to Mac, OS X, and .Mac) ;)
• Add: AppleCare Protection Plan (APP) for $249 USD
extends the 90-day PhoneCare & 1-year Warranty coverage on your Mac to three years of world-class support. The plan includes expert telephone assistance, global repair coverage for iBook, web-based resources, and free copy of TechTool Deluxe from Micromat.
(Buy within 1-year of purchase, or if you need PhoneCare for OS X and other problems beyond 90-days, get it early. Very valuable for any laptop.)
• Later add: AirPort Extreme Card when needed. (Refurbished is cheaper).
• Later add: iSight to use iChatAV on high-speed internet connection - excellent value for best FireWire WebCam available.
• Check NOW: Rebates & special deals, like free Epson printer, BackPack for iBook, and other discounts from online catalog companies (MacMall, OWC, etc.),48
FREE $99 Epson Stylus C84 ink jet printer
Buy any Mac and get an Epson Stylus C84 ink jet printer free or get up to $99 on select Epson printers.* Between January 30, 2004 and March 27, 2004, purchase a Mac together with an Epson Stylus C84 ink jet printer or qualifying Epson All-In-One or Epson Stylus Photo printer — and get up to $99 back by mail.
(CAUTION: I think you MUST purchase the Mac & Epson at the same time.)
Alternative: Refurbished PowerBook G4 - $1,699


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It's not as bad as it sounds

Just grab your OS X Install disc and boot to it. Then when it all comes up, go to the menu at the top and click on file (or it might be the apple symbol,) and go to disc utiltiy.

From there you need to format (aka initialize ) the drive. (I might have the lingo wrong, but hopefully this gives you the basic idea.)

After that you should have no trouble installing OS X.

Good Luck :)
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