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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 6, 2003
Has anyone else had this issue after upgrading to Big Sur? I can receive no problem, but I can't send both iMessages and SMS. My iPhone is set to allow SMS to send from my other devices, so that is not part of the issue. I have tried logging out of Messages and iCloud, various restarts on my Mac (M1 Mini) and turn on iMessage, iCloud, etc on my iPhone all with various degrees of restarts and combinations of the sorts. I have also deleted the item in keychain to no avail.

The issue started on my 2016 Macbook when I upgraded to Big Sur and now has transferred over to my M1 Mini when I migrated my data over.

Any thoughts?
Has anyone else had this issue after upgrading to Big Sur? I can receive no problem, but I can't send both iMessages and SMS. My iPhone is set to allow SMS to send from my other devices, so that is not part of the issue. I have tried logging out of Messages and iCloud, various restarts on my Mac (M1 Mini) and turn on iMessage, iCloud, etc on my iPhone all with various degrees of restarts and combinations of the sorts. I have also deleted the item in keychain to no avail.

The issue started on my 2016 Macbook when I upgraded to Big Sur and now has transferred over to my M1 Mini when I migrated my data over.

Any thoughts?
I have the same problem, got it when I went on Big Sur. I can receive Messages just fine but cannot send iMessages. All of my Icould settings and devices are checked properly and have logged in and out of iMessage on all devices, have synced, etc. I just updated both the laptop and phone with latest system updates, still no go. Really annoying. I get the red "not delivered" error message when sending from my Mac laptop (2018 model)..
I have the same problem, got it when I went on Big Sur. I can receive Messages just fine but cannot send iMessages. All of my Icould settings and devices are checked properly and have logged in and out of iMessage on all devices, have synced, etc. I just updated both the laptop and phone with latest system updates, still no go. Really annoying. I get the red "not delivered" error message when sending from my Mac laptop (2018 model)..

I thought I was the only one! Did you try backing up your data only and reinstalling the OS? That is my next step, but I haven’t put the time in yet to go through the process. When I do I’ll post here.
On your iPhone, go into the messages settings and look under Text Message Forwarding. Make sure your computer is selected.
I get the red "not delivered" error message when sending from my Mac laptop (2018 model)..

Does this apply to all your imessage conversations? I have also experienced the red "not delivered" message with Big Sur, but it was specific to one conversation only.

The only fix I could find was to delete that particular conversation. Sending a new message to the same recipient then worked ok.
I thought I was the only one! Did you try backing up your data only and reinstalling the OS? That is my next step, but I haven’t put the time in yet to go through the process. When I do I’ll post here.
I did not try reinstalling the OS, never done that before, but suppose I could try, let me know how it goes if you try it. Do your text messages work fine on your Phone? My problem is only with the Mac, but I'm so used to sending messages from the Mac, it's a pain to pick up the phone and peck at it..
For a test, I sent an SMS to a friend with an android phone from my computer. He received the message without issue. I then turned off forwarding to my computer and the SMS would not go through nor could I received SMS from him. Turned back on forwarding and re-selected my computer name and everything was working again. I have this setup on my home computer, but not on my laptop as I use it for presentations, etc and don't want messages going off during a training. Please keep us posted. Cheers, David Brodosi

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Does this apply to all your imessage conversations? I have also experienced the red "not delivered" message with Big Sur, but it was specific to one conversation only.

The only fix I could find was to delete that particular conversation. Sending a new message to the same recipient then worked ok.
yes, all conversations for me. hmm. maybe I'll delete all conversations and see what happens.
I just figured out I can send messages from my Mac to non iPhone recipients.
I suggest try deleting one of the troublesome imessage conversations and then see if you can send an imessage to that particular recipient.

I think this may be an iCloud/iMessages sync problem, rather than a specific Big Sur issue. I've not had any more problems since I deleted that one troublesome iMessage conversation that I couldn't send messages on.
I too have this issue on a MBP 2018 with touchbar - Spoke to 3 advisors until the 3rd and final one was a senior adviser. She confirmed this is a new bug from the latest Big Sur (Suck) update.

The only fix at the moment (as mentioned above) is to delete the conversation and to create a new one on the device. Apple will likely need to fix this bug in a future update.
Well, it has now gotten my mixed environment messed up. I have an older iPhone 8, iPad Pro, MacBook Pro 15 for work and MacBook Pro 13 for personal. The Personal is running Big Sur and after the latest update to my phone I can no longer send messages from my Big Sur laptop. Not really sure where the breakdown is happening but terribly frustrating.
I got mine working after I saw something interesting. I found that I could not send a message to someone that I was already had a message thread with but when someone new popped in those would work. I made sure I had a time machine backup and I then logged out of messages, deleted the messages db on my Mac and then restarted and logged into messages forcing it to download from the cloud. I find that the Mac is missing a few messages from one day but overall things are back to normal with one exception where I have a contact in a message from someone and if I attempt to open the contact from messages it will cause messages to crash. Likely still some interaction with contacts and may having to do the same thing to contacts (shut off cloud, delete, turn cloud back on)
I realize this is an older thread but I was having this problem and pulling my hair out. I finally talked to Apple Support who escalated me to a senior advisor. She said this is "an emerging problem" with Big Sur and asked me to send a system diagnostics report. After hanging up she emailed the following suggestions to me. After following the suggestions and restarting the computer, my problem was resolved. Posting this for others that may be having the same problem.

Here are the suggestions from the Apple Senior Advisor:


Follow the steps below to further test the issue that we are having with iMessages.

Remove orphaned registration keys

Open Utilities folder (open finder>GO>Utilities) open Keychain Access.
From the Keychains list, select login.
Under Category, select All Items.
Search for any " registrationV1" entries and remove them.
Restart the Mac.
Sign back in to iMessage if needed and test for the behavior once more.

If the behavior continues, follow these next steps I provided below.

Remove potentially bad keys in Keychain Access

Open Keychain Access again
From the Keychains list, select login.
Under Category, select All Items.
In the Search field, enter "IDS", then click the Kind column to sort by kind.
Delete all of the IDS items that are of the kind "application password."
In the Search field, enter ”FaceTime”, then click the Kind column to sort by kind.
Delete all found items that are of the kind ”application password.”
Search for ”iMessage” and delete all items with the name "iMessage Signing Key" or "iMessage Encryption Key."
Restart the Mac and test issue once more.
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