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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 6, 2009
Hello MacFans,

I have a PowerBook G4 with Mac OS X version 10.5.6 and a PS3 with version 2.53!
my connection is wireless!

I've already connect my computer to the PS3 with EyeConnect and MediaLink,
both worked, and I can see my shared files on the PS3!

Photos -> I can see and open my shared photos perfectly.

Video / Movies -> I can open some *.avi files (some not all, don't know why), can not open ANY *.mp4 files.
When I tried to open a *.mp4 file it says " this content cannot be played (800288D8) " !!
And when I can open a video file (until now just a few *.avi files) my PS3 gives the -> Error 80710736 <- and the movie stop's for a few seconds!

Music -> I can not open ANY music file, when I try to open a *.mp3 file it says "The data type is not supported".

These are my problems, I've looked up for forums on google to help me with these, and I didn't have found the answers. Help me please!
I'm having this exact issue and found your thread during my search.. Hope someone can fix this...
The mp4 issue is well know, apparently it's a problem with the way the PS3 works. Hopefully the next pS3 firmware will fix the problem.

I had the avi problems as well, but a router reset seems to have solved that.
Been banging my head against this for a while-

What I know-

1. I can play mp4s by copying, but streams quite after short while at random points.

2. Was able to convert some unplayable mp4s that had been encoded for appletv (from DVD with handbrake) by changing header info using a perl script written by a guy on the handbrake forum.

3. Avi and eyetv hd recordings will stream fine.

4. Activity monitor reports network bandwidth much higher than expected when streaming and the 800288D8 errors usually coincide with spikes.

5. Encoding with exact same settings on handbrake, but ommitting a soundtrack seems to produce streamable mp4s with sensible activity monitor reports.

6. Same thing happens with medialink and eyeconnect, but xbmc seems to do better although the activity monitor bandwidth use is still bizarre.

I'm on a macbook connected by gigabit to ps3 via ps3 router. Both ps3 and mac report gigabit speed connections.
i have been banging my head against everything in the house for a year whilst struggling with similar mac/ps3/atv problems. and it gets worse when you try to create/ compress a file that will happily play on both the ps3 and an atv in 5.1.

but i finally stumbled over a little piece of magic. when streaming to ps3 via medialink or eyeconnect or ps3mediaserver or twonky (yes, i have tried them all) or whatever, the ps3 will behave much better if the HDD is fat32. i now have a couple of WD MyBooks formatted fat32 holding all my movies and get about 99% success.

hope this helps.
One thing i noticed is the PS3 is very particular about the FPS that the video is, as well as if the file is over 4gb it will not play since PS3 is a FAT32 drive partition. I believe that exactly 27 FPS should play well and you might have to re-encode and set at static FPS rather than a variable depending on how the file is already. Also I don't believe it will play a file that had DTS sound so anything with that would need to be re-encoded without out.

Also with medialink i think it is better for music to just access playlists rather than selecting individual MP3s. It might have to do with the way the program sends the info through UPNP

hope that is useful
One thing i noticed is the PS3 is very particular about the FPS that the video is, as well as if the file is over 4gb it will not play since PS3 is a FAT32 drive partition. I believe that exactly 27 FPS should play well and you might have to re-encode and set at static FPS rather than a variable depending on how the file is already.

... 27fps? are you sure about this? when using say handbrake, the FPS is set to 'same as source' when using the ps3 preset. and being that i am on PAL, the fps is 25. handbrake doesn't even have 27 as on option.
what convertor do you use?
... 27fps? are you sure about this? when using say handbrake, the FPS is set to 'same as source' when using the ps3 preset. and being that i am on PAL, the fps is 25. handbrake doesn't even have 27 as on option.
what convertor do you use?

I believe so, but I am not on PAL so that might be the difference.
... 27fps? are you sure about this? when using say handbrake, the FPS is set to 'same as source' when using the ps3 preset. and being that i am on PAL, the fps is 25. handbrake doesn't even have 27 as on option.
what convertor do you use?

I am in the US but have some UK (PAL) DVDs, which I ripped to my Mac via Handbrake using the iPhone preset. The odd thing is that the PS3 will stream some of the files but not all. It's bizarre because it will stream a file from one DVD in a box set and not another. It's totally random. The sound plays on all, but on about one in four there's no picture.

I "solved" the problem by getting an Apple TV, which streams everything perfectly from iTunes, but I realise that this is not a practical solution for everyone.
Ditto. 1.71 rocks. They must've been working on this problem for a while cuz they jumped from 1.60 to 1.71 in a matter of days.

thanks for the tip. i checked to see what version i'm using and of course, found i needed an update.
in the meantime however i also discovered how to get HandBrake to create a mpeg file that plays 5.1 on both the atv and ps3 -and plain old stereo from the TV just in case a receiver isn't being used.

so now, i have it all!

firmware 1.72 has fixed most of the problems, it seems that all of my files that are 702 mb or larger are still stuttering. Those same files had been converted to mp4 H.264 with Visual Hub so I am reconverting them with HandBrake using its PS3 preset, hopefully this fixes the remanning problems.
I know realize that the problem is only my h.246 files, everything else is working perfectly. Is anyone else having this problem?
I know realize that the problem is only my h.246 files, everything else is working perfectly. Is anyone else having this problem?

not at all. in fact, the opposite. the h264 is the file that can be relied on. and i'm streaming files average 3GB.
are you streaming from iTunes or just from the HDD?
thanks for the tip. i checked to see what version i'm using and of course, found i needed an update.
in the meantime however i also discovered how to get HandBrake to create a mpeg file that plays 5.1 on both the atv and ps3 -and plain old stereo from the TV just in case a receiver isn't being used.

so now, i have it all!

Would you care to elaborate on this for the rest of us or is it a secret? ;)

I find with a lot of my rips or conversions the audio seems to be uneven in that the dialogue is always softer than the sound effects. Are you experiencing this with your new method?
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