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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 19, 2008
Has anyone else noticed an issue with the auto-cap not working quite right? Mine is inconsistent and starting to drive me nuts. Sometimes is works and other times it doesn't. Especially with the word "I".
the letter I is the only one i'm not having get fixed for me.

Of course, my MBP doesn't fix i either - not recognize it as an error. Just pages.

Otherwise, all has been well on that front - except sometimes i can't double tap on the shift key to lock caps.
This is a well known problem. Take your iPad to the Apple store and they'll switch the letter "I" for a new one. Make sure they give you a new letter "I" and not a refurbished one.
Mine is very inconsistent as well. For whatever reason it was not capitalizing "I" much when I first got it. Then it started to do it pretty regularly but now it's back to being unpredictable.
HIstorIcal explaInatIon

There is a long history to this. Back when Apple first developed the OS for the Newton computer, there was a bug in the handwriting recognition software that consistently misinterpreted 'I' as lower case. Given all the other handwriting issues, this bug was relegated to the low priority list and never got fixed before the Newton was buried. Many years later, Apple began developing its portable music player. Apple's software engineers were fully indoctrinated into the philosophy of code reuse that underlies the Cocoa system. Consequently, this Newton bug crept into the music player firmware. With release deadlines approaching, and the original Newton programmers long gone, the 'Pod' product manager made the executive decision to make a feature out of this bug, and created a new product market tag by appending a lower case 'i' to almost everything: iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, etc. The bug still exists, but it gets explained away as intentional in Apple-speak. ;)
There is a long history to this. Back when Apple first developed the OS for the Newton computer, there was a bug in the handwriting recognition software that consistently misinterpreted 'I' as lower case. Given all the other handwriting issues, this bug was relegated to the low priority list and never got fixed before the Newton was buried. Many years later, Apple began developing its portable music player. Apple's software engineers were fully indoctrinated into the philosophy of code reuse that underlies the Cocoa system. Consequently, this Newton bug crept into the music player firmware. With release deadlines approaching, and the original Newton programmers long gone, the 'Pod' product manager made the executive decision to make a feature out of this bug, and created a new product market tag by appending a lower case 'i' to almost everything: iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, etc. The bug still exists, but it gets explained away as intentional in Apple-speak. ;)
That was interesting...learned something I didn't know, thanks for that :)

Update based on new discovery

The letter "I" issue is fixed. There was never a problem in the first place as far as the capitalization is concerned. The problem is that I type too quickly on the iPad and as a result I am hitting the space bar before the auto correction is made which results in the lower case I remaining. How the heck does that get resolved? The irony is that I am not a fast typist in general. I am way faster on the ipad than a regualar keyboard.

Checked on the iPhone and it makes the correction instantly without the delay on the iPad.

Has anyone else noticed this in the same way?
The feature unknow to many is just making people lazier. I remember the days when a cashier could make change for you without looking a the register display telling them what it was.
The feature unknow to many is just making people lazier. I remember the days when a cashier could make change for you without looking a the register display telling them what it was.

Yeah...and black and white TV was great too. What is your point? It's called progress and it's about being more productive. :confused:
The letter "I" issue is fixed. There was never a problem in the first place as far as the capitalization is concerned. The problem is that I type too quickly on the iPad and as a result I am hitting the space bar before the auto correction is made which results in the lower case I remaining. How the heck does that get resolved? The irony is that I am not a fast typist in general. I am way faster on the ipad than a regualar keyboard.

Has anyone else noticed this in the same way?

Eye fIxed thIs on my own. Eye now have no more problems then eye do on my other devIces.
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