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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 24, 2004
Northants, UK
Been think about this for a while now, anyone got it or in the process of having it installed?

Want to find out more before i consider signing up.
Have a read through the message boards on There's a specific one for Talktalk which might give you more idea of any issues.

As with most things, have a read through for a few weeks and see if they're common problems and if anyone is rebutting them - since you do end up with a lot of whiners on boards sometimes.
The whole "You get what you pay for" thing has been bugging me with Talk Talk, if its free then something has to be cut.

Anyway, ADSL works a lot differtly to NTL cables dosn't it? Do You have to enter a password and dial in every time you us it?

NTL has been on the whole fine, but my BB and Phone bill is now £45 a month and would like to get it down.
if you don't download/upload a huge amount go for it, but i really couldn't land myself with the kind of limits they put on it. i've got an orange contract too, and was offered free broadband on that, but with a 2Gb limit i'd just be shooting myself in the foot. i, realistically, use that in two days. or less...

i've not heard much about the quality of their service, but, as applespider suggested very sensibly, go checkout
combatcolin said:
The whole "You get what you pay for" thing has been bugging me with Talk Talk, if its free then something has to be cut.

Anyway, ADSL works a lot differtly to NTL cables dosn't it? Do You have to enter a password and dial in every time you us it?

NTL has been on the whole fine, but my BB and Phone bill is now £45 a month and would like to get it down.

If you get a wireless router you don't - you dial if you have a 'adsl modem'. a router just 'dials' (actually, it logs in), which takes about >2 secs, then you're on. my D-Link router has a keep alive which means it's connected 24/7...

I use Demon - they do a home, 8mb service, for £19.99 a month, and they don't have a 'fair usage' policy that i know of - i regularly use over 170 Gb a month and never have issues. I've been using them for years and have never had a single issue with them...
combatcolin said:
The whole "You get what you pay for" thing has been bugging me with Talk Talk, if its free then something has to be cut.

Anyway, ADSL works a lot differtly to NTL cables dosn't it? Do You have to enter a password and dial in every time you us it?

The 'nothing is free' thing is what puts me off too.

ADSL is different from cable but no, you don't have to dial in. Your router has the username/password stored in it (when you set it up) and then it keeps the connection live all the time so when you turn on your Mac, it's on.

There are lots of reasons for potentially slow speeds. One is distance from the exchange - the longer the line between you and the exchange, you get more noise and less signal coming through which can cut the speed. Another problem is contention at the exchange; if it's a busy exchange which is waiting for a DSLAM upgrade, then the speeds might go down too.

I can't remember which ISPs backbone Talktalk runs from. Is it a BT datastream or an LLU provider?
Connection & setup information sought...

I've got it. I have installed the modem software and intermittantly it crashes my iBook each time i click "connect". No other software has ever done this to my mac. When it crashes, white text appears on a black back ground on top of the applications open at the time. I don't like this!

If I had a wireless router, could i uninstall the talktalk software and get connect without it? That would solve my problem and let me surf the web from anywhere in the house. :)
codo said:
Isn't TalkTalk free broadband heavily capped?

I'm with Pipex - Up to 8 Megs uncapped for £24.99 a month.

yup. it is. which is why i'm with Demon for the same for £5 less :p
i use about 4GB bandwidth a day, no way i could deal with any limit unless it was about 5TB which i'd just never hit.
tedmonds said:
If I had a wireless router, could i uninstall the talktalk software and get connect without it? That would solve my problem and let me surf the web from anywhere in the house. :)

Yes, you can, you would use an ethernet cable to connect your computer to the router and use a browser to set up the router, and then you can unplug the cable and surf wirelessly software free! :)
I'm with NTL and they are appauling, but not quite bad enough to move away yet.

I think there's a big pricewar brewing so I'm not going to jump...yet.

btw. what are you people DLing to go over 2GB in a couple of days!!
I have it and it works perfectly. The transfer limit is 40gb per month. I have saved over 50% on my old BT bill. The switch was seamless.
emotion said:
I'm with NTL and they are appauling, but not quite bad enough to move away yet.

I think there's a big pricewar brewing so I'm not going to jump...yet.

btw. what are you people DLing to go over 2GB in a couple of days!!

hee...I used to be a serious Carracho user a few years back:eek:

used to do 2gig in a night easy...not proud of it, I've now repented.

Not even BitTorrent or Limewire these days...all legit...its better that way (for me that is ('let he who...));)
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