I recently had my iPhone 3G jailbroken for a while, and was using Cydia to use some Apps. I used an App that allowed me to customize my carrier logo to whatever I wanted. I did this, and put my name instead of the AT&T logo. A couple of days ago, I updated to Apple's 2.2.1 software, because I didn't want my phone to be jailbroken anymore, and I wanted my warranty to work in case I need to take my phone in. Everything seemed to reset correctly, and Cydia and Installer, along with all of my jailbroken Apps, were gone. However, I just noticed that my carrier logo was still in its altered state, with my name there instead of the AT&T logo. I need help getting this back to normal, because this will be a dead giveaway that I had jailbroken my phone in the past if I take it into Apple for any reason. Please help if you can! I'm new to this site, and I joined specifically to solve this problem! Thank you!