for a couple of week my iMac 2018 equipped with latest Catalina 10.15.2 has started to freeze or to reboot nearly once a day.
I have not installed anything lately, I just use Microsoft office and Safari.
Has anyone experienced something similar and an idea on what could it be depending on?
Thanks for helping,
So far, for about 99.9%, Catalina (OS 10.15.2) is working fine on both of my Macs (a late 2012 Mac Min, and a mid 2017 Mac Book Air). I will say, though, that I occasionally use Libre Office, but use Brave and Thunderbird (EMail client) a lot. The only "bug" I am having, and it is definitely somewhat obscure, given that it does not occur often, is that on start up, and after signing in, the desktop appears, but then Brave is launched. I do not have it designated to launch at start up anywhere. Not sure why it happens, but again it is so infrequent.
Are you making backups to an external device? Hopefully, you are. If you are, maybe download, install, and run the excellent freeware program Onyx:
OnyX is a multifunction utility that you can use to verify the startup disk and the structure of its system files, perform cleaning and computer maintenance tasks, configure some hidden parameters of many Apple applications, and more.
I use it religiously (along with Tech Tool Pro) every week right before I make my SuperDuper! backups. It's a solid program.
Also, doing as much disk cleanup as you can is beneficial.
Finally, if you use Apple's Mail program, are you having any issues? I've heard there are still issues with Mail and Catalina.