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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 25, 2008
I am not jumping onto the Catalina train until I hear from someone that their existing BootCamp survived the upgrade... Also, I connect to the Windows 10 bootcamp installation via Parallels. Does this still work?
I am not jumping onto the Catalina train until I hear from someone that their existing BootCamp survived the upgrade... Also, I connect to the Windows 10 bootcamp installation via Parallels. Does this still work?

I have BootCamp installed on a partition and connect to Windows 10 via Parallels. I had no issues upgrading to Catalina and was able to load Parallels and boot into Windows 10 with no issues.
I have BootCamp installed on a partition and connect to Windows 10 via Parallels. I had no issues upgrading to Catalina and was able to load Parallels and boot into Windows 10 with no issues.

I saw that some people are experiencing issues with Windows 10 via Parallels on macOS Catalina. Can you confirm which version of Parallels you have that works for you?

Thanks in advance.
my iMac is triple booted. Iv got Catalina and Majove on apfs volumes in a apfs container and my windows 10 bootcamp was fine unaffected I don't use parallels my self atm but what's said above looks promising either way bootcamp survived gotta b able to hit up those windows games lol. especially since macOS is dropping 32 bit apps with will include some great classics.
I am not jumping onto the Catalina train until I hear from someone that their existing BootCamp survived the upgrade... Also, I connect to the Windows 10 bootcamp installation via Parallels. Does this still work?
Curious what do you do with Bootcamp? Haven't used it in years not a Windows fan.
I play games, and Windows is unfortunately the platform for that, and it is not feasible via Parallels. Also, a few programs still only exist on Windows; MS Visio and MS Projects - which I run via Parallels though...
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I have Boot Camp on an external SSD. I also have an eGPU. Windows survived. I had a few audio issues after the boot ROM upgrade The Apple headphone jack had super low volume. I decided to add a simple USB audio device.

Now the Mac portion, that's where I have a few issues. It will not boot unless the Intel internal GPU is plugged in. It then takes a few tries to activate the eGPU. In Mojave, the Mac would simply boot silently and activate the eGPU on log in.
I use parallels to run a proprietary app for work, it’s a crappy .NET application, so it won't work in Crossovers, or WINE, although they claim limited .NET support.

The first Catalina Beta broke USB support in Parallels. The second fixed it. It's working fine now with Win10 VM.
So from what you guys are telling me I can "safely" change over to Catalina, because BootCamp will survive, and I will still be able to boot directly into Windows 10, and via Parallels as well...

So from what you guys are telling me I can "safely" change over to Catalina, because BootCamp will survive, and I will still be able to boot directly into Windows 10, and via Parallels as well...


The newest version of parallels works for me. I use it everyday. The USB works as well now, but not everyone has that as critical. I can vouch for the Parallels, but have not used Bootcamp in years.
i went to Macos 10.15 with bootcamp from former Macos and could start Windows without problems.
now i wanted to install the newest windows 1903 build 18936.1000,
and failed!
booting the now installed windows failed.
only colored boxes and hung.
i went to Macos 10.15 with bootcamp from former Macos and could start Windows without problems.
now i wanted to install the newest windows 1903 build 18936.1000,
and failed!
booting the now installed windows failed.
only colored boxes and hung.
What version of oarallels?
I did the update to 1903 from an existing Windows build. The only issue, It plays extremely low from the headphone jack in my Mac. I just bought a cheap USB sound device.
I did the update to 1903 from an existing Windows build. The only issue, It plays extremely low from the headphone jack in my Mac. I just bought a cheap USB sound device.

Same here. No solution. Really annoying.

Other issues with Catalina:
- Citrix got hosed and no longer connects (certificate changes)
- Apple music no longer works properly
- My joystick thinks its a mouse and controls the point, but then I cant use the mouse until I disconnect
I play games, and Windows is unfortunately the platform for that, and it is not feasible via Parallels. Also, a few programs still only exist on Windows; MS Visio and MS Projects - which I run via Parallels though...

No sooner had I open my mouth when I too found a need for windows. My Fujitsu scanner no longer works on 64 bit macOS. But it works just fine in windows!
No sooner had I open my mouth when I too found a need for windows. My Fujitsu scanner no longer works on 64 bit macOS. But it works just fine in windows!
[doublepost=1564792192][/doublepost]Agree, my fujitsu ix500 has stopped working with Catalina 10.15 Beta 19A526h
[doublepost=1564792192][/doublepost]Agree, my fujitsu ix500 has stopped working with Catalina 10.15 Beta 19A526h

May I recommend VueScan software... it works with your scanner on Mac AND Windows. Fujitsu so longer supporting but VueScan DOES.
I have my bootcamp on an external SSD and all is working perfectly. Not sure about a partition on the internal drive though.
I have Windows on a T5 SSD with Boot Camp upgraded the other day to Catalina sad to say it does not show as a start up disc on system prefrances 😕 i can get it when i use the option key to srart it.Tried it when using a Back up it shows in the start updisc there. But when i am on Windows and trying to get back in to Mac OS i get this mesage *Could not locate OS Boot volume*
I have this question on my latest post but no one has replied.:confused:
There must be some one on MacRumors who can sort this out for me.

I'm having the same problem. I don't run Windows often but I tried to boot into it today (running 10.15.1 Beta) and the Windows drive (on an external drive) isn't even listed, whether I hold down the option key at boot or go into Startup Disk and try to select it. I don't recall the last time things worked but I know I booted into Windows during an earlier Catalina beta.
I just have the problem of it not showing on the start up disc.I did tried this Reset NVRAM or PRAM on your Mac. If your Mac has issues related to settings stored in NVRAM or PRAM, resetting it might help.
Shut down your Mac, then turn it on and immediately press and hold these four keys together: Option, Command, P, and R. You can release the keys after about 20 seconds, during which your Mac might appear to restart.
  • On Mac computers that play a startup sound, you can release the keys after the second startup sound.
  • On Mac computers that have the Apple T2 Security Chip, you can release the keys after the Apple logo appears and disappears for the second time. This did not work.:(
  • As for my other problem when in Windows I tried to get back to Mac and get this message
  • *Could not locate OSX Boot Volume*
  • I saw something on line about that being a problem with Windows updates unfortunately I have never backed Windows up.:(I see that the only thing to use as a back up forWindows is the very expensive Winclone.:(i might have to get it anyway put Windows on my internal Boot Camp drive on here and migrate it to a external drive ,I don't like the idea of something not working the way it should.
  • Heres a video by one of my fav tubers Jeff of 9 to 5. Mac :)showing how to use Winclone
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