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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 8, 2018
Manchester, UK
Guys after upgrading to Catalina from Mojave on my Mac Mini (2019) I originally had the Apple ID issues with the keychain (which i fixed), and I'm now seeing:

  1. Mail Application - No matter what rules I set, alter or do anything with Smart Mailboxes fail to work show any data. This applies to any or all Smart Mailboxes. I've gone through the loop of resetting Spotlight searches and this has made no difference at all. Any ideas how to fix guys?
  2. Siri - I'm sure that when I used Siri on the Mac (pressing CMD & SPACE) to trigger and asked a question that I used to get a written and voice response. I now just get the written reply. Siri has lost her voice. Any ideas ho to fix guys, or a I going slightly mad and there was never a voice response.....?
  3. This may be related to 2) but I'm unable to select a System Voice or get it to play at all
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Well it looks like I've fixed all the above issues :) [So far]

I found this URL and ran this in terminal:

cd $HOME
{ sudo chflags -R nouchg,nouappnd ~ $TMPDIR.. ; \
sudo chown -R $UID:staff ~ $_ ; \
sudo chmod -R -N ~ $_ ; \
sudo chmod -R 755 ~ $_ ; \
sudo chmod 700 Desktop Documents Downloads Dropbox Library Movies Music Pictures Sites $_ ; \
sudo chmod 777 Public ; \
sudo chmod 733 Public/Drop\ Box ; \
} 2> /dev/null

Followed by:

diskutil resetUserPermissions / $(id -u)

And so far everything is working, Siri voices, System voice and Smart Mailboxes in Mail :)

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