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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 23, 2020
Yesterday, Apple also released a new security update for Catalina (2021-002).

Since then, the outstanding Big Sur update doesn't produce the nagging "1" badge on the system preferences icon in the dock. The update is still shown when you open Software Update. But no red badge anymore.

Is that only coincidence on my system, or did Apple finally realized that nagging the user won't get them anywhere?
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Is the red badge still showing on the App Store icon for Garageband after this update?

Screen Shot 2021-04-27 at 8.16.41 AM.png
I don't want to upgrade to Big Sur because of it's looks, but I may have to because of this "Blue Screen" problem that just started in Sleep Mode.:(
I'm also still on Catty. I cannot stand Big Sur. It wastes so much space with large borders and title bars and is generally more laggy and slow than Catalina is (on my 16"). Looks like I will have to hold out a bit. Apple will not change the UI anytime soon. At least not back to how it was.
Since then, the outstanding Big Sur update doesn't produce the nagging "1" badge on the system preferences icon in the dock. The update is still shown when you open Software Update. But no red badge any more.
Yes, it's gone from both of my Catalina machines too. Hurrah!
It's still working fine. No nagging red 1 on the system preferences for me.
Looks like they "fixed" that. The red nagging 1 just came back on my machine today.

Apple, could you please keep your dirty fingers away from my machines?
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