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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2020
Dear all,

I have updated Catalina on I mac and unfortunately I did not make any backup. After updating all the files are gone. I have visible two drives now, one is Macintosh HD and another is Macintosh HD Data. It looks like all the data is on Macintosh HD Data drive but I can't access this drive. Could you please help me. I hope there is a solution to access this data and recover it.

Thank you in advance,



macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
I have updated Catalina on I mac and unfortunately I did not make any backup

Your best bet is to STOP doing anything, and take it to (or at least make a call to) a data recovery specialist.

If you have no backup, then anything you do from this point is possibly going to make the problem worse unless you know what you are doing.

If the machine is SSD, or you used FileVault you're probably screwed.

Lesson learned: Make backups


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2020
In the Finder is only visible one drive but in disk utility are two. When I check the storage of the drive in Finder is showing me as the files still still exist but there are not visible. I can't access this drive Macintosh HD Data in Finder becouse is not visible only in Disk utility.


macrumors 68020
Oct 18, 2008
That's normal for catalina, the OS is on the first 'partition', user data on the data 'partition' ( they actually share the same physical partition and are just logical seperate constructs that share the same data pool, but have seperate allocations of it when they add files ) , but they should only show as one combined file system to the user except in lower level utilities like disk utility.

But it sounds like you don't have access to your user folder in finder nevertheless? describes the split.

Check for the relocated items folder, also.
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macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
In the Finder is only visible one drive but in disk utility are two. When I check the storage of the drive in Finder is showing me as the files still still exist but there are not visible. I can't access this drive Macintosh HD Data in Finder becouse is not visible only in Disk utility.
There's nothing abnormal about this. The existence of "Macintosh HD-Data" is supposed to be essentially invisible to the user in Catalina. If your data is not showing, then you may have deleted it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2020
iMacDragon Thank you so much ! The files has been relocated in the different folders just how they describe in the article you shared. Thank you so much !

One more thing do you know maybe what to do when is no sound and videos are not playing like for example you tube ?
I have tried turn of extensions and installed new flash did not helped.
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