I'd read about, but tonight it happened to me. I have two accts, one I use, and one I set up via Paypal years ago when they were offering 10 or so free songs if you set up an acct w/ Paypal. I forgot about that one.
So tonight a slew of emails from iTunes come though, for small money, then progressively larger... the last 3 for $999.90. I took swift action and called Paypal then my bank so I won't have any loses. Also my PP only goes to a special low balance savings a/c just for PP. I just want to post this as a cautionary tale. Don't link iTunes to any account that leads to hard cash.
So tonight a slew of emails from iTunes come though, for small money, then progressively larger... the last 3 for $999.90. I took swift action and called Paypal then my bank so I won't have any loses. Also my PP only goes to a special low balance savings a/c just for PP. I just want to post this as a cautionary tale. Don't link iTunes to any account that leads to hard cash.