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Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
I'd read about, but tonight it happened to me. I have two accts, one I use, and one I set up via Paypal years ago when they were offering 10 or so free songs if you set up an acct w/ Paypal. I forgot about that one.

So tonight a slew of emails from iTunes come though, for small money, then progressively larger... the last 3 for $999.90. I took swift action and called Paypal then my bank so I won't have any loses. Also my PP only goes to a special low balance savings a/c just for PP. I just want to post this as a cautionary tale. Don't link iTunes to any account that leads to hard cash.
Sorry to hear this. I changed all my passwords tonight to more complex ones. Thanks for the head's up.
What on earth were the crooks buying?


Did they buy the most expensive apps on iTunes Store? :p

According to the rec't sent to me:

Haypi kingdom, ultra package, Seller: Lae Lee 10 @ $99.99

Apparently this title was used for fraud earlier this summer too:

Anyway I've delinked all my iTunes accounts from any credit cards or other accounts. I guess I'll have to do the same w/ similar online accts. It's not worth the convenience.
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