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macrumors member
Original poster
May 26, 2004
Mount Isa, OZ
I've just gotten a new iBook, and I'm trying to decide what CD Burning software to use.

The finder does the job for single session CD's, but I want to be able to burn multi-session cd's. I know you can use disk utility to burn multi session cd's, but it's really annoying that each session is mounted as a separate volume. I haven't tried it, but I'm guessing this means only the last session would show up on a windows box.

I also want my discs to be compatible with Windows. By that, I mean not just reading, I want to be able to add sessions to the same CD from both my windows box and my iBook.

It seems Roxio Toast is ubiquitous amongst most mac users, however I'm just a poor uni student who can't afford that. I've looked around, and the only other software I could find is NTI Dragon Burn.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any other (cheaper) alternatives to Toast, and what your experience with them is.

And G'day to all the other aussies around here :)
Missing Media Burner, excellent software, you can burn multiple sessions..
if u wanna convert the format of video files before burning, ffmpegx..
both are free, just google for them

Try Yuburner at Its free and I had good luck with it.
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