The problem with the Desktop DF & Desktop DB files is that they not only contain info about the icons, etc. on the CD you're making; they also contain Finder comments & info about what applications you have installed, documents you've downloaded, and sometimes info even on deleted files.
Now, supposedly in Toast 5.1.2 they changed the process so it only included Finder comments on the files actually being burned. But I'm not sure I entirely trust this.
There's also the .DS_Store file in each folder; I think this is actually where the icon positions are stored. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.) These files can be deleted, but the Desktop files are inserted only when you're about to burn, and there's no way I've found to be able to delete them.
Cebritt - I don't think Toast Lite 5.2 has the "temporary partition" feature; where's it located in the menu? Also, the Mac/PC Hybrid Disk still has the desktop DF/DB files. (I AM making a disk for both Mac & PC users, by the way - photos of a recent trip.)
MMS- I assume you meant Disk Copy rather than Disk Utility. I'm currently creating a Disk Image & seeing if Toast or the Finder will burn that sans a Desktop DF file.