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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 28, 2008
So theres a cd stuck in my imac any suggestion on gettin it out? everytime i restart the computer it sounds like its trying to kick it out but no luck and it does it for about 10 min or so. very annoying. :mad:
When pressing the eject button the disc is moved a tiny bit and pulled back inside immediately afterwards. You can probably see only a very tiny bit if it, but that part can sometimes be caught by regular tweezers etc OR ya may have to remove the drive & disassemble it ...
When pressing the eject button the disc is moved a tiny bit and pulled back inside immediately afterwards. You can probably see only a very tiny bit if it, but that part can sometimes be caught by regular tweezers etc OR ya may have to remove the drive & disassemble it ...

It doesn't even show when its trying to pop out. :(
I have heard of some people using a piece of cardboard with double sided tape on it. Also flipping the imac on it's side while pressing the eject button.
Yeah had this happen on my Macbook, just tilt it drive face down, and then hit eject again, worked for me, only happened once funny enough.
no luck with it sideways, im afraid to stick anything in it and make something worse
Normally inside the superdrive you'll notice a film of rubber this provides a dust seal I think to protect the drive, you may want to make sure it's not sealed due to some spillage, or just some strange reason... slide something blunt, and small and do it gently..while trying to eject, the worst thing possible is scratching the disk badly..the drive should be fine.
Normally inside the superdrive you'll notice a film of rubber this provides a dust seal I think to protect the drive, you may want to make sure it's not sealed due to some spillage, or just some strange reason... slide something blunt, and small and do it gently..while trying to eject, the worst thing possible is scratching the disk badly..the drive should be fine.

i checked it and its fine i think the cd some got pushed forward because it doesn't even look like its anywhere near the exit to come out, when i open the flaps i cant even see the side of the cd attempting to come out
So theres a cd stuck in my imac any suggestion on getting it out?

This is from Apple Help:
If you've tried all the usual methods of ejecting a CD or DVD disc from your computer's optical drive, there are some manual methods you can try.
First, quit all applications that are using files on the disc. Then try one of these alternate methods:
•Choose Apple menu > Restart and hold the mouse or trackpad button down until the disc ejects.
•If your drive has an emergency eject hole, put the computer to sleep and insert a large, straightened paper clip in the small emergency eject hole of the drive (the location varies, depending on the drive). Push firmly until the disc ejects.
•Use Open Firmware to eject the disc if all other methods fail (this may not work on all computers). To use this method, you have to start up and briefly use the computer using Open Firmware, not the standard Mac OS X desktop.
To eject a disc using Open Firmware:
•Restart the computer.
•When you hear the startup sound, press and hold the Command-Option-O-F keys. (The Command key has an Apple on it.)
•Release the keys when you see a white screen that says "Welcome to Open Firmware."
•At the prompt, type: eject cd
•Press Return, then wait a few seconds. The disc drive should eject the disc, and "ok" appears on the screen when the action is complete.
•Type: mac-boot
•Press Return.
Your computer should start up normally and you see the familiar Mac OS X desktop.
Failing all of the above, take your iMac apart to get at the CD drive. If you're at all apprehensive about doing that, go to a Mac tech, otherwise YouTube has some great How To vid clips; or use Google with the keywords Take Apart XXXX (your Mac).
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