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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 5, 2009
Kyoto, Japan
I purchased the latest version of cDock from the web site, <>and immediately had trouble getting it to work correctly on Mojave and my iMac late 2012.
The "Contact" function is broken, with the "I am not a robot" function quiting with an error, regardless of how many times you try it.
So you cannot send a mail via the web site, and a direct mail has prompted no answer.
Do i have to resort to contacting the card company and getting a refund?
If you are getting no response it is a viable option. Have you tried contacting them through another device?
Thanks for the idea. I will try that. So far I have tried with Firefox (no go) and Safari (also no go). That web site is a mess when it comes to the contact section!
Edit: The site has a new "I am not a robot" section now, so someone must have been listening!
It is now possible to achieve contact from the home page.
However, running cDock on Mojave is most likely kaput according to a generic email I received - something in the Security Update 2020-005 disables an essential part of cDock. The suggestion from the developer is to upgrade to Catalina, which I cannot do.
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