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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 21, 2016
Hi All

With the latest Mac OS Sierra(Beta 10.12 16A269f), CEF app with Chromium version 39 is loading after a delay of nearly 1 min. I have tested by downloading the Test App from>Branch2171->Mac 64bit->TestApp. But with other Mac OS X versions (10.10, 10.11) I don't observe this issue.
As this issue is seen only seen on Mac OS X Sierra(Beta 10.12 16A269f), I would like to know why this is happening ?

With CEF test app with Chromium version 45, the App was loading without any delay. I have tested by downloading the Test App from>Branch2454->Mac 64bit->TestApp.. Since our App uses NPAPI plugin, upgrading to latest CEF version is a concern as newer CEF versions, from Chromium version 42, stopped supporting NPAPI plugins.
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