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i got the 2.0ghz, 80GB, 1GB, and the default stuff (anything else missing?)
unfortun. i got one dead pixel near the middle u think i can whine to apple to give me another one orits no biggie live with it?
I think that apple's return policy requires that you must have at least 3 or 5 dead pixels in order to justify a replacement. But i am sure that if you complained enough, they might consider giving you a replacement
man i such a mac im sorry but how do u delete thoe installation files from the "desktop" on the right hand side of the screen?
Hope someday I will be like you :p
Oh, I also don't know the answer to your question... mac noobie here too.
Hate Windows, but have to stick with it. It's the only option where I live ><
Anyways, happy for you ;)
Alag28 said:
unfortun. i got one dead pixel near the middle u think i can whine to apple to give me another one orits no biggie live with it?

I HATE dead pixels!!! IMHO if any company releases a display with a dead pixel it should be considered completely defective and returned instantly
I make a habit of creating a " STORAGE" folder on my desktop.

I save each installer .dmg and the corresponding authorization numbers in "STORAGE" until the folder is large enough to burn to CD. ( about once a month )

I also save copies of all the Apple software update .pkg's in the event I need to reconfigure a drive later.

I have an insane amount of stuff on my system and it still only totals 48 GB on a 250 GB drive.

I also have another 160 GB storage and maintenance drive with back-ups of everything important.

I re-installed the OS as a lean install of 7.4 GB by custom deleting
all the extra language translators, printer drivers, software demos,
iDVD themes and GarageBand demo songs.

The default Mac OSX install is about 12.5 GB. plus formatting.
If you control click " get info" on your hard drive icon, it will tell you how much free space you have available on your hard drive.

You can free up about 5 GB+++ of valuable HD space running a custom lean install.

That's enough space to install some serious pro applications and still leave you plenty of room on the smallest notebook drive.
Félicitations ! I can't wait to have one of my own. (Haha, I've always thought that pics like the ones you posted are kind of like porn for Mac of these sexy computers slowly undressing :p )
Verrry nice I have yet to take pictures of my new MBP since my camera is not here :( I wish I'd been able to take some of the MBP while in the box
I agree lol. I also sold my white one, well actually got it replaced for a black one which was oh so much COOLER :D

In any case I hope you enjoy your new mac and hopefully its free of all bugs. I myself wasn't so lucky. But hey, now I'm getting a MBP soon so all's well :p
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