I'm probably missing something really silly, but why doesn't this work?
CFStringRef newname;
newname = CFCopyLocalizedString( CFSTR("CFBundleShortVersionString"),
CFSTR ("no comment") );
newname obtains the value "CFBundleShortVersionString", not "MyApp version blah"...
CFBundleShortVersionString is defined in the default InfoPlist.strings, of course, created by PB when the project was created, so I doubt that there can be a problem with the formatting in there, or invisible control characters, etc...
CFStringRef newname;
newname = CFCopyLocalizedString( CFSTR("CFBundleShortVersionString"),
CFSTR ("no comment") );
newname obtains the value "CFBundleShortVersionString", not "MyApp version blah"...
CFBundleShortVersionString is defined in the default InfoPlist.strings, of course, created by PB when the project was created, so I doubt that there can be a problem with the formatting in there, or invisible control characters, etc...