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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
hello guys!

From about 2-3 months I have some problems with my neck. After 7 hours work with the computer I feel big pain o_O I have really old chair and think that's time to change it to something better. Anyone could recommend something good for let's say about $150?

thanks for any help!
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
Hmm but it's only addition for good chair and I don't have any :/ Mine chair is crunshing and shaking so definitely need the one one. But thanks for that! I think that maybe I will try this thing after I buy the new chair.

I also found ranking of comfortable chairs here: and Serta Chair could be good for me. Anyone tested it? I think that I'd try this one.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Hmm but it's only addition for good chair and I don't have any :/ Mine chair is crunshing and shaking so definitely need the one one. But thanks for that! I think that maybe I will try this thing after I buy the new chair.

I also found ranking of comfortable chairs here: and Serta Chair could be good for me. Anyone tested it? I think that I'd try this one.
I see a chiropractor for neck pain, and yes a good chair can help but not as much as good posture, regular breaks and stupid looking exercises which I'm supposed to do everyday.

Can't go wrong with Hermen Miller chairs if you have the budget. Also make sure your screen is at the right height.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
Yep, I do some exercises about 2-3 times a day. I even changed my matterless but I think that chair is still key to avoid my neck pain. Thanks for Hermen Miller chair recommendation. I've seen it before but I'm worried that's out of my budget o_O

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Yep, I do some exercises about 2-3 times a day. I even changed my matterless but I think that chair is still key to avoid my neck pain. Thanks for Hermen Miller chair recommendation. I've seen it before but I'm worried that's out of my budget o_O
Try sleeping with just one pillow as well. It helps.
You see Hermen Miller copies, but I can't comment on there quality.
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macrumors G3
Aug 19, 2008
The Anthropocene
A chair for neck pain?



macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Hermann Miller chairs are regarded highly and have a good reputation, but, personally, I am not all that crazy about them, and there is also the matter of comfort if you are sitting in a chair for hours on end.

The points suggested by @Apple fanboy - frequent breaks, in particular, make sense. Like him, I simply ignore the exercises, but I get a weekly (most of the time) massage for my back and shoulders which I find wonderfully restorative.

Re cost: If your life and work involves sitting at a computer you owe it to yourself to invest in a good chair. I marvel at the people who will spend hundreds, or thousands, of whatever currency you might care to mention, on hobbies, but neglect to make sure that 'the basics' (such as decent chairs, and so on) are good quality.

For myself, over a year and half ago, I had an office chair - ergonomic, lower back support, adjustable, but comfortable (I ordered it in leather) made to order by the German company, Klöber. Yes, it was expensive. No, I don't care, because yes, it is superb, and comfortable.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
massage for my back and shoulders which I find wonderfully restorative.

I didn't thought about it, thanks for that advice.

Re cost: If your life and work involves sitting at a computer you owe it to yourself to invest in a good chair. I marvel at the people who will spend hundreds, or thousands, on hobbies, but neglect to make that 'the basics' are good quality.

For myself, over a year and half ago, I had an office chair - ergonomic, lower back support, adjustable, but comfortable (I ordered it in leather) made to order by the German company, Klöber. Yes, it was expensive. No, I don't care, because yes, it is superb.

Hmm maybe your're right. I should set bigger budget. How much was your Klöber chair?


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I didn't thought about it, thanks for that advice.

Hmm maybe your're right. I should set bigger budget. How much was your Klöber chair?

Over a thousand, actually, it was closer to €1,500 - but remember, this chair was custom made to order. Anyway, I ordered an executive version of their 'Moteo' chair, I wanted arm rests, castors, leather on the seating (and arm rests), lumbar ergonomic support, and the chair can be raised or lowered, as needed, etc.

Bear in mind that a lot of office style chairs are surprisingly badly designed - and even more surprisingly uncomfortable, and that horrid mesh, or other uncomfortable materials used in the seating is sometimes at variance with the quoted cost.

Now, I write a lot, research a lot, and spend hours in my chair at my desk, and I was tired of using horrid ill fitting and uncomfortable office chairs, or kitchen chairs.

An additional piece of advice: I would recommend that you visit office show rooms, even upmarket office show rooms. See what they have, ask for brochures, try out the chairs - I mean, sit in them - ask questions of representatives, and so on.

Anyway, Klöber was recommended to me by my German sister-in-law; she and my brother had bought versions of standard Klöber office chairs for their kitchen, - at the kitchen table - and found them superb, as they give excellent lumbar support (which most kitchen chairs do not).

Then, when I returned from a period working abroad, I had decided that a really good office chair - for myself - was a priority purchase, especially as it was likely that I could expect to be home for a while. As with almost everything designed by Germans, it is very well made, well designed, looks good, and does what it supposed to do very well.
Try sleeping with just one pillow as well. It helps.
You see Hermen Miller copies, but I can't comment on there quality.

Oooh, one pillow.

The is something that I physically just cannot do; even as a child, I needed two.
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Over a thousand, actually, it was closer to €1,500 - but remember, this chair was custom made to order. Anyway, I ordered an executive version of their 'Moteo' chair, I wanted arm rests, castors, leather on the seating (and arm rests), lumbar ergonomic support, and the chair can be raised or lowered, as needed, etc.

Bear in mind that a lot of office style chairs are surprisingly badly designed - and even more surprisingly uncomfortable, and that horrid mesh, or other uncomfortable materials used in the seating is sometimes at variance with the quoted cost.

Now, I write a lot, research a lot, and spend hours in my chair at my desk, and I was tired of using horrid ill fitting and uncomfortable office chairs, or kitchen chairs.

An additional piece of advice: I would recommend that you visit office show rooms, even upmarket office show rooms. See what they have, ask for brochures, try out the chairs - I mean, sit in them - ask questions of representatives, and so on.

Anyway, Klöber was recommended to me by my German sister-in-law; she and my brother had bought versions of standard Klöber office chairs for their kitchen, - at the kitchen table - and found them superb, as they give excellent lumbar support (which most kitchen chairs do not).

Then, when I returned from a period working abroad, I had decided that a really good office chair - for myself - was a priority purchase, especially as it was likely that I could expect to be home for a while. As with almost everything designed by Germans, it is very well made, well designed, looks good, and does what it supposed to do very well.

Oooh, one pillow.

The is something that I physically just cannot do; even as a child, I needed two.
I was always the same, until my chiropractor recommend it. Like most things you get used to it, and I get much less neck pain than I used to.
Mrs AFB doesn't use a pillow at all as she suffers from neck pain also. Although she doesn't visit the chiropractor (despite me offering to send her).


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I was always the same, until my chiropractor recommend it. Like most things you get used to it, and I get much less neck pain than I used to.
Mrs AFB doesn't use a pillow at all as she suffers from neck pain also. Although she doesn't visit the chiropractor (despite me offering to send her).

Even as a child, I couldn't sleep with a single pillow.

And, one of the first words I have ever mastered in any foreign language (coffee, wine, beer, water are also essentials, and learned very early) is 'pillow'; in fact, I can say "may I have a second pillow please?" - used at countless hotel reception desks - in a surprising number of languages.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
Even as a child, I couldn't sleep with a single pillow.

And, one of the first words I have ever mastered in any foreign language (coffee, wine, beer, water are also essentials, and learned very early) is 'pillow'; in fact, I can say "may I have a second pillow please?" - used at countless hotel reception desks - in a surprising number of languages.

Haha :p I can see their faces when one of your first questions is about second pillow!

Thanks for advices. I think that I'll try Klöber in standard version when I get budget :)


Moderator emeritus
Dec 10, 2008
Also make sure that your current chair is set to the right height. Your shoulders should be completely relaxed while typing as the weight of the arms should mostly rest on the wrists. I had a bad office chair, which was too low so I had to raise my arms a bit to type and that put a lot of pressure on my shoulder neck muscles. After getting s good chair (not 1500€, though, something like 200€) and setting it to the right height, my shoulder and neck pains were gone.

The same goes for monitor height as well. The monitor should be parallel to your eyes so that you can keep your head and neck straight. Many monitors and especially laptops are too low and force you to bend over, which is bad for the neck.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2016
Yep, I already read some articles about ergonomic on the website which I mentioned before but as you probably know it's hard to keep good position of body when you sit on crapy chair :D


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Also make sure that your current chair is set to the right height. Your shoulders should be completely relaxed while typing as the weight of the arms should mostly rest on the wrists. I had a bad office chair, which was too low so I had to raise my arms a bit to type and that put a lot of pressure on my shoulder neck muscles. After getting s good chair (not 1500€, though, something like 200€) and setting it to the right height, my shoulder and neck pains were gone.

The same goes for monitor height as well. The monitor should be parallel to your eyes so that you can keep your head and neck straight. Many monitors and especially laptops are too low and force you to bend over, which is bad for the neck.

Excellent points.

Well, my chair could have been less expensive, but as I was ordering a chair, and it was being custom built to order, and it was for me - my use - I thought, damn it, I want castors, I want leather, I want something stylish and comfortable. So, yes, the price was more than it might have been.

But the chair is brilliant, and comfortable, and supportive.

An aside - it was delivered to my door by the company where I had placed the order, and they sent a guy to talk me through the various levers (it is height adjustable, and can tilt, and lock, too). I didn't have to collect it, - well, it had been delivered from Germany to the capital - or pay transport costs.
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Yep, I already read some articles about ergonomic on the website which I mentioned before but as you probably know it's hard to keep good position of body when you sit on crapy chair :D
Do you use a desktop computer or a laptop.
If a laptop without an external monitor, look at getting an mStand from Rain design and an external keyboard and mouse.
If you are using a monitor there are a number if monitor risers. But tbh at work I used a couple of Reams of paper for a while until I got better monitors with more height control.


macrumors 65816
I have a lot of neck issues. Burst disk, pinched nerves, spinal fusion, another bulging disk - yah, I know pain.
1) If the pain is consistent or serious, get it checked out. NOW!
2) If a good message helps, take it a step further and schedule a few sessions with a physical therapist. They can show you stretches and moves to help strengthen your neck and relieve the tension before it hurts.
3) My wife has a FitBit Alta. Every little bit it gives her a nudge to move if she hasn't gotten 250 steps in the last hour. Wish mine had that.
4) I use a standing desk now. I have a stool if I need to sit, but it is uncomfortable enough that standing is a better option. (Besides, my briefcase is usually on the stool and I'm too lazy to move it so I can sit down...) Helps me focus on my work (mild ADHD) and gives me room to figit and move while I am working.
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macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
I've got a some neck/back issues, nothing too bad, mostly as a result too many spills/falls/tumbles from various boards/bikes/cliffs :D

Anyway ...

A good message can be pretty magical, I found it lasts too, like month or two before I feel like I need another.

Getting up regularly through the day, doing a few stretches to move/elongate my neck/spine (just some light yoga moves), helps as well - and during my stand ups, I also grab water, as hydration is also important (and I tend to be under-hydrated).

Also make sure you're at a good viewing angle for your display(s). Many monitors have pretty poor stands, but if they're VESA mount compatible, for about $30-50 you can buy a super adjustable mount (that clamps to your desk) and get the perfect height/angle.


Hahaha, just after I posted this, I got my Apple Watch reminder to stand up :D
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macrumors 6502
Nov 30, 2018
Hmm but it's only addition for good chair and I don't have any :/ Mine chair is crunshing and shaking so definitely need the one one. But thanks for that! I think that maybe I will try this thing after I buy the new chair.

I also found ranking of comfortable chairs here: and Serta Chair could be good for me. Anyone tested it? I think that I'd try this one.

We have two Serta chairs. We like them for the price.

the only prob is they seem to be made for peeps less than 5' 6'' or so-I'm 6' 1''
Otherwise nice chairs!!

Serta Smart Layers AIR Arlington Executive Chair, Black/Pewter

Serta Big & Tall Commercial Office Chair with Memory Foam, Multiple Color Options


Jan 2, 2011
It’s a zombie thread but I suggest the first step in such an issue is to assure the current chair and monitors heights aren‘t the problem. Too high or too low can put the neck in poor positions. Alternating standing and sitting could help too. This all assumes the neck is otherwise healthy.
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