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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 4, 2003
Is there a way to change the MAC address of a jailbroken 3GS? I've tried the GUI app SpoofMAC and it simply doesn't work (although it thinks it is successful).

I also tried changing it manually with MobileTerminal with the 'ifconfig en0 lladr' command, just how I do it on my Mac, but it returns some error (bad value) every time I try that.

Is this possible?
The reason I want to do this is to use the free ATT wifi that comes with my iPhone on my laptop. Frequently, I study at barnes and noble and it's just much easier and efficient to Wikipedia and Google things on my MacBook than on my iPhone. I'm not trying to steal my neighbors wifi, and I figure this is at least a little better than tethering from my iPhone to my MacBook (yes, I know that technically you are only supposed to use the ATT wifi on your iPhone. Spare me a further lecture.)
Often folks home routers need to spoof the MAC address of a machine on their local network to gain access to their ISP after the router is installed. This is, or at least was, a common option on Linksys routers.

Personally, I am doing grad work in forensic computing and the ability to spoof a MAC-address on my iPhone would come in handy.
The reason I want to do this is to use the free ATT wifi that comes with my iPhone on my laptop. Frequently, I study at barnes and noble and it's just much easier and efficient to Wikipedia and Google things on my MacBook than on my iPhone. I'm not trying to steal my neighbors wifi, and I figure this is at least a little better than tethering from my iPhone to my MacBook (yes, I know that technically you are only supposed to use the ATT wifi on your iPhone. Spare me a further lecture.)

Well now Barnes and Noble has free wifi.
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