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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 22, 2008
Is it possible to upgrade? I understand they will not run 64 bit natively? can anyone explain the practical implications of this? as I mentioned in a earlier thread I have just got my first Pro, which is 2006 2gz 4gRAM..i understand I can upgrade almost everything else...consensus is I got a good deal at £690...should I be worried about this EFI? is it already out of date?
No, you cannot upgrade it. It won't make that much of a difference, because running a 64-but kernel is pointless if you don't have all 64-bit hardware.
is it already out of date then? should I try to sell it , or is it good for a couple years? am clueless about 64 bit...I just want a good machine that can keep up with all updates and run anything apple puts out..any more opinions on the price i paid?
is it already out of date then? should I try to sell it then?

It's not that out of date. If you need a good machine at a decent price, you got it. If you want the newest, bestest, shiniest machine - sell this one and be prepared to pay for a better one.

EDIT: I'm using a 2006 MB - it is plenty fast for just about everything I do.
In terms of OS, I think the Intels will have a much longer shelf life than the PPC variants.

In fact, if you were in the market right now, I would try and score a MP 2006 rather than any of its predecessors based on value for your dollars.
just about? how long do think it will last?

Mine, a while longer at least. It may not physically survive the next year, but that is for an entirely unrelated reason I'm not willing to discuss.

The MP will depend on what you are using it for ...
yes I started that one...i am still fidgeting as it's not too late to back out...but I don't think I can get on the Mac Pro 'ladder' any cheaper, and it will definitely be an upgrade to my powerbook g4 ppc right :D:D
The EFI32 in the '06 can be a problem though, as it's already limiting users for graphics cards (GTX285 won't work). Once OS X goes 64bit Kernel only, then those systems won't be able to upgrade the OS any longer either, and that's not going to be far off. Maybe as early as 10.7, as Apple doesn't like to carry interim products for long.

They're not likely to issue an EFI update to 64 bit either, as it will prevent the sales of new machines. But that's all the system actually needs, as the CPUs are 64 bit capable, and why the work-around for 64bit Windows will function.

If the OP doesn't need to have the latest and greatest graphics card, and can live with SL (assuming 10.7 won't work), then keep the system. Otherwise, it's time to think about upgrading. The '08's were the first systems to get EFI64, btw, so a used system may be a possiblility.
so you would recommend not paying £690, maybe waiting (and saving) for a later model?
How many more threads will you open to get the same opinion again and again. Yes, you got a good deal. And no, you cannot get any Mac with EFI64 without spending three times what you just did. And this thing will run anything Apple will put out in the next couple of years. If something comes which requires EFI64 you will get an 2008 Mac Pro later at a better price.
so you would recommend not paying £690, maybe waiting (and saving) for a later model?
If you want to continue to upgrade graphics cards, and the OS, YES. You need an EFI64 based system.

If the '06 will take care of you for some time (say 3yrs), then go ahead and get it.

You've not provided enough details to go beyond such a basic answer though, and it has to be based on your usage pattern (software, and what you're doing with it).
I am using it for movies, bit torrent, streaming tv etc...I'm basically forced into getting a new mac because I'm running a powerpc powerbook at the moment...I am sure it will meet my needs, though I dont like the idea of not upgrading the OS
Thats why I will get myself Mac Pro 2008 tommorow - I'm waiting for DHL :D
The '08 is the sweet spot IMO, but they're kind of hard to get right now at a good price. I looked not too long ago on the US eBay site, and there was one available (2.8GHz Octad). It had some upgrades, including the Apple RAID Pro card, 12GB RAM, a 1TB HDD, and the remainder of the Apple Care (it had extended coverage) IIRC. But at $3200USD, it wasn't much of a bargain IMO, especially as the Apple RAID card is a pile of junk.

Had that one not been there, who knows... it might have seemed more attractive to me. But I had the impression the seller was attempting to get every cent spent on it back. :rolleyes: :(
I am using it for movies, bit torrent, streaming tv etc...I'm basically forced into getting a new mac because I'm running a powerpc powerbook at the moment...I am sure it will meet my needs, though I dont like the idea of not upgrading the OS
You can stuff an HD4870 in it for graphics (maybe a 5870, if a Mac edition ships, unless you want to try Flashing or injector methods with a PC card). nVidia's offerings are out though.

As per the 32bit aspect, that machine will do what you want, and the software will continue to work with the last OS version available for that system for awhile. 3yrs isn't impossible, so at the price you've located it for, be happy. :D

Save up for the eventual replacement in the mean time. ;)
appreciate your opinion, and will probably get it..thanks...can anyone else give some thoughts? also, will I need a HD4870 for HD video? i'm guessing it wont come ready to watch....I'm still a bit nervous, but ......
I am using it for movies, bit torrent, streaming tv etc...I'm basically forced into getting a new mac because I'm running a powerpc powerbook at the moment...I am sure it will meet my needs, though I dont like the idea of not upgrading the OS

Using it for that, it will last for a very long time - go for it.
The EFI32 in the '06 can be a problem though, as it's already limiting users for graphics cards (GTX285 won't work). Once OS X goes 64bit Kernel only, then those systems won't be able to upgrade the OS any longer either, and that's not going to be far off. Maybe as early as 10.7, as Apple doesn't like to carry interim products for long.

They're not likely to issue an EFI update to 64 bit either, as it will prevent the sales of new machines. But that's all the system actually needs, as the CPUs are 64 bit capable, and why the work-around for 64bit Windows will function.

If the OP doesn't need to have the latest and greatest graphics card, and can live with SL (assuming 10.7 won't work), then keep the system. Otherwise, it's time to think about upgrading. The '08's were the first systems to get EFI64, btw, so a used system may be a possiblility.

when i bought my mac pro 1,1 it has marketed as a 64 BIT MACHINE an in fact isn't, this very wrong, apple is making FALSE publicity of is products.

I think when my mac pro comes old i will switch to a pc workstations and keep using mac laptops.
when i bought my mac pro 1,1 it has marketed as a 64 BIT MACHINE an in fact isn't, this very wrong, apple is making FALSE publicity of is products.

I think when my mac pro comes old i will switch to a pc workstations and keep using mac laptops.
It wasn't exactly false, but not 100% true either. K32 versions of OS X can run 64 bit applications, but the systems themselves are restricted due to the 32 bit firmware in terms of hardware. So it still has limitations, and isn't FULL 64 bit. :rolleyes: :apple:
i didn't want to really comment on the 32/64 issue. but i find it hard to hold back. ha!

recall G5 64-bit ...
recall the wonderful iMacs, powerbooks or early macbook pros display capable of displaying "millions" of colors etc
recall "free" iTools (well, at least we still get to hold onto our user id even if we do not subscribe to .Mac/

in short, marketing plays a major role in almost everything, as long as it is "supposedly within reason" (whatever that means ...)

i feel the pain but unless we can get everyone or majority of users to 'fight-back' otherwise, we really have to do our research and be tread more cautiously.
in short, marketing plays a major role in almost everything, as long as it is "supposedly within reason" (whatever that means ...)
Yes, it does, and Apple is quite good at it.

To me, omissions are the biggest problem in recent years. :rolleyes: And when I checked the specs of the '06 MP's, I didn't see anywhere indicating the firmware was 32 bit or otherwise. But the CPU's were listed as 64 bit. Really misleading IMO.

i feel the pain but unless we can get everyone or majority of users to 'fight-back' otherwise, we really have to do our research and be tread more cautiously.
Always do your research. But the only real power users have, is with their wallets.

Unfortunately, it's rather easy to get burnt when omissions leave you with the wrong idea, and there's no return policy (or it's so expensive the restocking fees and shipping costs are almost the cost of the item = it's a waste of time). //GRR :mad: end of rant// :p
nano said it all (see above post). sigh, such it is these days. Let's not even forget the limited upgrade options of Graphic Cards that are officially supported by Apple!

My personal opinion, is never plan too much for the future, especially so for computer systems, I think I should add, especially true for Apple Systems. What to do? We love the Apple OS and the design that Apple has come up with. To a certain extend, we are happily being "con-ed". :p

Really there isn't any excuse not to update the firmware of these intel macs. Apple appears to open up and welcome developers to do this and that but it is not w/o stringent restrictions.
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